If I'm ever famous, my biographer is going to tell all of you that my journals reveal a VERY troubled soul. It's not, in fact, that I'm truly troubled but, rather, that I only write when I'm miserable.
This is probably the obsessive compulsive in me feeling that if I write it all down, it will sort itself out and wrap itself up with a bow.
This rarely happens but putting it down is better than drowning my sorrows in a half gallon of icecream - better use of the hands.
The journals from my 20s when I was searching for a husband - good god, it's a wonder i didn't end it all each and every Friday night.
So what I'm saying is, it's not that I don't love you any more, it's just that I've been really happy lately. The kids are doing great. Their fall sports were fabulous and are a bit more fabulous now that they're over and we can all get some rest.
The children are all doing very well at school and no one has cried about math in WEEKS.
Really, things are fab.
Work is abject misery. The company that acquired us is a turd BUT it's been profitable lately and I'm enjoying my time in NYC and I've been trying to spend more time with my customers when I'm in the city which is super fun - and really good for business.
My husband and I celebrated our 10th anniversary last month and are enjoying each other - particularly with a little breathing room in some of the things that have been stressing us out the past few years (ie rampant toddlers and fiscal woes.)
I set a goal to run 500 miles this year and I am 114 miles away. I will do it. (You're welcome to join me in my quest to run 114 miles between now and year end - or 500 miles in 2013.)
I set a goal to put more effort into what I put on the table for my family - and we've been eating like kings - and what's more? My kids are EATING IT. We started the fall with 3 meals that we would all eat - mac and cheese, pizza and grilled cheese sandwiches.
Now we all eat the same meal pretty much every night. It's LIFE CHANGING.
So it's all sunshine and unicorns except for this MASSIVE case of writer's block.
So to help me clear the cobwebs and maybe kickstart some of you, here is a writing assignment.
The goal of 6 word stories is to write a whole story in only 6 words.
You can see more examples here (make sure you read the comments.)
I'll start:
Nothing loves, nor hates, like family.
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