Thanks for cutting me off today on the highway.
You looked really cool driving that fast car with the top down. In fact, I'd like to get to know you better. Can I ask you a couple of questions?
How was your 50th Birthday party?
How is your divorce going?
When the salesguy at the dealership told you that the car made you look like Shaquille O'Neal did you think he meant 'rich' or did you think he meant 'bald and way too big for that tiny car?'
Wasn't your head cold driving around in 30 degree weather with the top down? You looked like one of those teenagers who wear shorts to school in January. You know, REALLY COOL.
Last question: What were you thinking? Did your ex-wife get the Jeep Grand Cherokee in the divorce? You cut off a 2010 Toyota Corola. I have No brakes, messed up steering and over-zealous acceleration.
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