You know how when you start dating someone, you're sort of reserving judgement based on previous heartaches and heartbreaks until you've spent a bit of time together and then somewhere around the third date you 're seized with panic at the realization that you ACTUALLY like them and are suddenly vulnerable?
You people know me. You know that all of this angst should be behind me. I'm happily married and rather than experience angst about saying "I like you," the words "I love you" roll out of my mouth and text out of my fingers several times a day.
And yet the other day I was SEIZED in panic from VULNERABILITY.
None of this came from my husband.
You see, I live in an affluent town where the men work and the women stay home. At social functions the men congregate and the women chat and I have nothing to offer to the discussion on the new Zumba instructot at the Y but some ARCHAIC rule keeps me from crossing the room and speaking the with the guys about work, the economic impact on business and networking at children's sporting events.
So, I don't have a lot of close friends in town.
(Note: this is not a comment on stay at home moms - they do an amazing job and I think that it is incredibly valuable work. I just live in a different day to day world.)
The other day I met someone at work that I really like. He's funny and smart and we totally gel. Every time he IMs me I literally laugh out loud.
I said to my husband, "It's like I'm dating someone for the first time. It's SO refreshing to meet someone wonderful that I feel totally insecure and think 'I hope he likes me too!'"
My husband, one of a handful of stay at home dads in town totally got where I was coming from.
"What's not to like?" he laughed.
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