Since Christmas I've basically become a carb eating machine. Candy, sure, but bread, Oh! And with butter, OF COURSE. Just the thought of it makes my heart race.
That's the carbs.
I told my daughters this morning that I was going to start a carb detox today and that I would probably be biting the heads off of chipmunks by the time they got home. But that that's okay because, hey, chipmunks aren't carbs!
I'm taking it as a testament to my parenting that they haven't thought enough about dieting to think that was funny.
Butter isn't a carb. Grab a skewer and stick of butter and you're good to go. If a butter pop doesn't sound appealing, just spread it on pieces of bacon!
Posted by: DG | March 05, 2019 at 03:53 PM
So I've been mostly carb-free for awhile*. I've also been intermittent fasting on weekdays - (black) coffee and tea all day, and then a 30-90 minute eating window for dinner. When the day has been stressful? My kids have been known to just get up & make me a snack before dinner - here daddy, eat this, you'll feel better.
* I drink my carbs.
Posted by: John (Daddy Runs a Lot) | March 06, 2019 at 08:19 AM