We've been playing this game at dinner where from the time the last person sits down until you're out you can't say the word, "no." If you say it everyone else calls you out. Last man standing wins.
You'd be surprised how disadvantaged parents are at this game since that's all we every say. Apparently.
Anyway, tonight I was ALSO trying to explain gene theory to my children. It started with a question about why some people's ear lobes were attached to their heads and why some people's weren't. Specifically some people AT THE TABLE.
So we dumbed it down to eye color because I don't know how many gene pairs make up ear lobe attachment and honestly the kids did pretty well following along.
Well, I THOUGHT they did until the baby (NOW 8!) asked my husband in an uncertain voice, "So if I hold my earlobes against my head, will they become attached?"
Sypathetically he answered her, "no."
The questioning baby face disappeared in an instant. "You're out." she told him.
Nice one.
Posted by: TheNextMartha | October 21, 2014 at 09:59 PM
Posted by: Amy | October 22, 2014 at 08:06 AM
A smart "baby" you've got there, Kit.
Posted by: DaddyRunsALot | October 22, 2014 at 08:09 AM
That is awesome. The 8 yo are on their way to taking over the world. Tgat is the best conclusion I can come to after seeing my kid and her fellow gr3s this year...eep!
Posted by: jenn | October 23, 2014 at 11:05 AM