I just got back from a business trip to New Jersey. There are a lot of shitty places in the world but in no place are they as proud of it as they are in New Jersey.
I grabbed a late dinner near my hotel - at Applebees. It was karaoke night. You are so jealous of my life.
Anyway, I CLEARLY have not blogged in a bit - amazing how busy you THINK you are when you have a bunch of toddlers. Let me tell you, you do NOT know busy until they stay up past 7:30pm. Holy hell.
So why am I blogging? It's called INSPIRATION.
I got home from my trip tonight at 7pm. My husband carried my bag upstairs and put it in our room. A few minutes later my 9yo got out of the shower and asked me for "the brush I took on my trip with me."
"It's in my bag in my room." I told her.
She went in search of it. My husband's face paled. "In. Your. Bag?" he asked pointedly.
It dawned on me that I take Siri on every business trip and that "she" was also in my bag.
(Aside: If you are having trouble falling asleep in a strange bed a HUGE endorphin rush helps.)
"It's fine." I told him, realizing that Siri was buried at the bottom of my bag and the brush was right on top.
"Someday they're going to find it and you're going to have to tell them something." he said, a little bit accusingly.
"I'll tell them it's the best money they can spend." I answered.
He gaped.
"Seriously," I began, "You should be happy. If they can satisfy their own needs, it will keep them away from boys longer."
It's like he doesn't even know me.
And I'm from Jersey -- I know how shitty it can be (but, seriously, it's Jersey . . . there had to be some kind of half-decent diner close by, though I certainly understand the appeal of crappy karaoke Applebee's if it's near the hotel).
About toddlers, I don't remember the last time mine even started to start to go down for bed at 7:30 . . . last night, I think it was 10:30 or so. Maybe I'm a shittier parent than I think I am.
And, while this may be easy for me to say because, well, any conversation about s-e-x would go right over my kids' heads, I absolutely hope they know their bodies well enough to enjoy themselves. Though I don't know if I'd want to know about any details, I'd want them to know there's nothing, at all, wrong with the act.
Lastly? Holy shit, I've missed your blogging voice.
Posted by: DaddyRunsALot | May 29, 2014 at 08:41 AM
I can always expect a great laugh from you! So good to read you again!
Posted by: Heather! | May 29, 2014 at 09:35 AM