My personal Facebook account is typically very boring. There are lots of photos of the same kids over and over from that one mom who thinks her kids adorableness MUST be shared.
There are lots of vamping photos from that one mom who thinks she's darn hot and posts lots of duck faced photos to prove it.
There's the one friend who is an absolute doll but shares about 20 posts/day from those "make you laugh" sites.
My Blogging Dangerously account is much more fun because you people found me online so you are, by definition, more social media savvy. You're funnier, wittier and you don't repost the same thing 15 times. You're also about 3 weeks ahead of the rest of the world when it comes to viral content.
But my friend Kate blew you all away today.
Let me start by saying that Kate is the NICEST person you could ever meet. She's beautiful - blond hair, blue eyes, ALWAYS smiling.
I've known her for 8 years and I've never heard her swear or raise her voice at any of her 4 children. She's kind, always willing to help and is just the epitome of the word SWEET.
So imagine my surprise today when I logged into facebook to see:
I laughed out loud. I'm sorry, I did.
I agonized over what to do. Do I TELL her and humiliate her? Do I tell everyone and humiliate her husband?
Do I comment? Do I hit "Like?"
Her husband's brother lives across the street from me and I'm friendly with his wife. I thought, I could call her and tell her to call Kate. But then I figured the brother would never let him live it down.
In the end I "LIKED" the post and then Commented, "Hey Kate, Out of respect for your husband I'm assuming your account was hacked. Otherwise you may want to check your Pinterest 'Share with Facebook settings.'"
She deleted it within 5 minutes - but I have been laughing all day.
I'd have been laughing, too :-)
I have my "barely media-savvy" teenage cousins that make me cringe with their posts -- I can deal with the "think they're hot" moms (hey, I post a lot of selfies) and 80-bazillion people sharing the same piece of viral video / religious statement . . . but those "does this kid know that people can see this" posts make me cringe.
Merry Christmas to you & yours, Kit.
Posted by: DaddyRunsALot | December 23, 2013 at 11:41 AM