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July 21, 2013


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Mike Reardon

Rock on beautiful! You have been missed terribly, but it's great to hear you're doingso fine!


Go you! I do miss seeing you pop up in my tread.your summer sounds amazing! I am a little bit jealous.I plan on taking off the first 2 weeks of August to indulge in. Summer & give my children my undivided attention.rock on mama! Congrats on the new position & the bitching tan:)


Oh how I WISH my summer were going that well! Good for you.


Enjoying the kids? wow

Hope the new position works out, and that we get to enjoy it with you. (meaning: post more)


Are you EVER coming back????? :)


Ditto what Melanie said.


Ditto again... I still faithfully check every week but I'm beginning to lose hope... I miss you!!!


Yeah, unfortunately it looks like Kit is done. I keep checking too. Oh well ;(

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