My brother is buying a new house. It's a huge house in a decent town and I was totally fine with it until I found out it had a pool.
Now I'm jealous like WOAH.
But I'm only jealous of what I'm jealous of.
Like, I want the house, and the pool but that's about it. I don't want to live in the town that it's in and I don't want the mortgage he's going to have. And I don't want the job that he has that let's him afford said house.
What is this affliction that let's me see only the things I don't have and not the things I do?
And does everyone suffer from it?
And why does it really kick me in the gut on Sunday nights? also, you don't want pool maintenance. What a pain I the arse.
Posted by: Wyngrrrl | May 16, 2013 at 11:37 PM