My 8yo daughter is BEAUTIFUL. She it tall and athletic and leggy. She has long dirty blonde hair, deep brown eyes, a GORGEOUS smile and an infectious laugh.
At the beginning of the year she was struggling with reading and with math. Her father, her teacher and I have worked very hard with her - and she has worked VERY, VERY hard.
Last week at my parent-teacher conference with her teacher, the teacher said, "That little girl doesn't stop working all day! She tries so hard."
I was so proud of her.
But my happiest moment came earlier this week when my husband told me this story:
He was working with her on math and she got the answer right and he looked up at her, proud.
She smiled and he was struck by how beautiful she looked so he said to her, "You are SO SMART! I think that you are as smart as you are beautiful!"
And she said, "Oh no. I don't think so AT ALL. I think I'm MUCH smarter than I am beautiful!"
Society will soon confirm for her that tall, thin, leggy girls are considered beautiful - if our telling her that she is smart 1000 times a day makes her believe that she is Smarter than she is pretty, she will be invincible.
Aww.. I love this!
She's definitely a smart one.. :)
Posted by: mrs.d | May 02, 2013 at 01:04 PM
Yup, sounds smart
Posted by: joeinvegas | May 02, 2013 at 05:51 PM
It's the intelligent funny guys that get me every time, the looks are secondary. I hope she remembers this too! She's one smart cookie(with great parents!)
Posted by: Lisa | May 03, 2013 at 11:58 AM
Posted by: Ashley Dempsey | May 05, 2013 at 11:02 PM