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April 08, 2013


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I love humorous-complaining anecdotes, reading and writing them. What blows me away is how you're somehow so positive while doing so!

The idea of seeing a million-man queue at your event, and immediately volunteering to HELP (instead of milling around hating life everybody there, and everything in general) is simple, emotionally obvious, and yet so rarely done as to not be considered a normal option. Evidently no one else in the throng thought about it.

I didn't either...something I will be thinking about, along with your wonderful, sensible positive reaction. Thanks for giving me the food for thought...I think you're on to something, here! :)

Holly Folly

Whiskey. Whiskey will fix it.

John (Daddy Runs a Lot)

I hate the feeling of hamstrings tightening....but I know, precisely, what you're talking about. Heck, I'm even thinking that I need to get up and start stretching. Right now.

That party sounds awesome - and it's so great that you're running with your kids . . . I'm very hopeful that at least one of my kids catches the running bug from me. But we'll see. They enjoy couches, too.

And yeah, boys are disgusting -- totally. Really, they remain disgusting until such time as they actually would rather be in the presence of a woman. But then you have the hormones to deal with.

I do not envy you.


Nice age for boys, to bad you couldn't take a video for us.
That last question is kind of, um

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