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March 12, 2013


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Your husband is looking pretty good in that shirt. Maybe he can do more with a razor, but the look is pretty good.


You are so right! Plus, I think "coming over for cards" everyone assumes its casual. Whereas "come over for a drink" can be intimidating.


I agree - that when you invite someone over for drinks or dinner, they assume they'll be expected to converse intelligently on world news or travel. Playing cards eliminates any such expectations! Thanks for the reminder. We had friends who have moved out of state, but we always played board games when we got together. We had a blast. I'll have to dig out Trivial Pursuit ...

Nice tattoo idea, BTW. My husband told my daughter that the day she gets her college degree, he'd get a tattoo. Well, 2 weeks and she's done!

angela king

i love playing poker! my ex husband and i used to go every friday night and play with twenty or so friends. it was amazingly fun.

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