I'm one of those people who can't relax until everything is done.
Yes, I realize that this - combined with my four children and full time job - is why I never sit down.
I'm not gonna lie - this also impacts my ability to enjoy my husband on occasion.
Now let's be fair - I work from home and my children are in school full time - so my husband has more than the usual number of chances to offer a quickie. And now that the kids are out of the house he has a lot more free time on his hands.
So I refuse to accept full responsibility for the number of "Go Aways" he gets during the hours of noon - 4pm.
Just like he refuses to accept full responsibility for the number that I get during the hours of midnight to 4am. (What can I say, getting all of my work done is a turn on for me.)
Sometimes, however, the stars align and we're on the same page.
On Friday I had a client who was driving me INSANE and a 6 minute break was just what the doctor ordered.
My husband, not knowing this, walked into my office and gave me a kiss on the neck. He does this about 10 times a day and I love it. Even when I'm on the phone and forget I'm not on mute and moan. Oops.
On Friday, however, I wasn't on the phone - and I needed a break. I turned and kissed him back.
He looked at me, "what?" he asked.
"What?" I asked getting up from my office chair and walking toward our bedroom.
"Really?" he asked.
"Why not?" I answered. "You have some free time. I have some free time. You have an outie. I have an innie..."
And judging by the next 6 minutes, Cyrano never said such magic words...
Here's hoping the hubs and I both have 6 minutes free tonight...
Posted by: steph | March 25, 2013 at 02:51 PM
I will have to try that line of seduction on my husband...
Posted by: Ruth Griffin | March 25, 2013 at 10:45 PM
Oh, I love this.
What's funny is that I can totally see myself in your husband's shoes . . . random kiss to Duffy during the day and being taken aback when it's obvious that a kiss just won't do right then.
Posted by: DaddyRunsALot | March 26, 2013 at 08:13 AM
Well, congratulations to both of you for that coordination.
Posted by: joeinvegas | March 26, 2013 at 01:43 PM
'You have an outie, I have an innie...'
You smooth talker, you ;-)
Posted by: Rachel @ Reality Chick | March 26, 2013 at 06:16 PM