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January 29, 2013


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It is easier to make friend online than in life for me. I really should try to make friends off line


Ahh. What a great lesson on a Tuesday morning. I haven't read the MWF Seeks BFF yet...but I'm thinking about it. I do think its important to invite people places, otherwise everyone just does their own thing.


I would have never guessed that you went extremely popular with tons of friends, you always seem so confident and sure of yourself, something that I'm not and have always thought that was why I never had many friends. But it is all about saying hello and making the time I guess, now as adults.
I think you have some amazing sons that would sit with their little sister. I know my brother would have never done that for you.
From what I can tell you're an amazing woman and mom and I wish I could be friends with you in real life.


As the single girl among married friends, I learned this lesson many years ago as they started to get married and have kids. Funny thing, I'm now teaching it to some of them as they realize now that the wedding is over or the babies are getting older that they are without a girlfriend to hang out with. Just a little bit of effort on your part will help you build these relationships pretty easy, but you can't wait for the other person to make it happen.


I meant my brother would have never done that for me*

Marissa Peterson

I love this! I completely agree - adult friendships are HARD. And, once you have them, they're even harder to maintain. Kids, dogs, duties as a SAHM, errands, and such get in the way of planning time to "hang out" and it's easy to lose a lot of friends that way.

I went through a period just last year where I felt like I had NO ONE in real life to talk to or hang out with. So, I just started trying! I engaged myself in conversations with new people, put in more effort.

Now, I can proudly say that we have about 6 couples that we regularly talk to/hang out with and I have a handful of women that I talk to daily and are my best friends.


We've lived in our new town a little over a year and I still don't have any good friends. Some casual acquaintances through work but that's it. I realized that work (being on call 24 hours five days a week) kind of put a damper on my social life, so I have to make the conscience effort to seek out friendships as well. I miss the great group of friends we had before but know that dwelling on that isn't going to help me here and now.


It's so very easy to not notice the plight of others, when you're doing well. Though, when your daughter wouldn't walk up to the girl who looked scared, well, I was left wondering if she did have options on the school bus, but didn't want to make any effort with anyone new (that said, damn, to be told "don't eavesdrop" is downright rude).

Adult friendships are hard. I think I'm finally getting to the point where I feel that I have some meaningful adult friendships(though that's, in no small part, due to twitter), and I'm 35. Life gets in the way, and you can't ever take it personally when it does.

I'll admit a bit of jealousy to my wife - we live in her hometown. She has her whole family who still lives here, and she went to high school here, and there are friends that she grew up with that are still around. Me, I grew up about three hours away. And while the college I went to is only an hour away, few of my fellow graduates still live around me. There are times that I wonder why I don't have more friends -- but, again, I'm working on it.

Krystle Wainscott

When you said you asked your son to sit by his sister on the bus I just knew you would say he said No Way! What amazing children you have raised who want to spend time together!


You are teaching your kids very good lessons that will help them all their lives. Good for you going to the range by your self. Good idea to introduce yourself, most men won't walk up to a married lady unless they know her for fear of being thought of as a dirty old man.


What a great post! You are so right in so many ways, and so many lessons were taught to so many. It was truly an amazing experience for all involved. Thank you for sharing!


I hope my kids are still that good to each other when they're both in school (daycare's going well). And you're right, adult friendships are hard. We moved 2 years ago and I'm having a hell of a time meeting kindred spirits.


I have the opposite problem. I meet people and can pipe up conversations in person, but online... not so much.

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