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January 22, 2013


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Ahh, the wonderful weekend that you need another weekend from. I know that all too well.

My daughter, 2, is actually getting really good at puzzles. If my son, 3, would stop biting off the little nubbins from puzzle pieces, I'd actually be moving her from puzzles on the iPhone to physical puzzles.

I do have a good chili recipe, but I seldom make it . . . but, perhaps, with this cold spell...


Had a friend at that rally as well. He said it was a pretty amazing experience...


Good for you! I am ecstatic to hear that you are a supporter of our basic "Bill of Rights", including the 2nd Amendment.
Sounds like a VERY busy (but rewarding) weekend.

Loyal Reader

Kit, I still adore you and probably always will - but as a reader from the early days I just wanted to let you know that I LOVED hearing the naughty/rude/unconventional thoughts in your mind, the part of you that was cheating on your other blog, that revelled in anonymity. I miss that voice just a bit, although I still check every day for a new post. Hoping to see more of "10 things that made me laugh this week", "the crazy in my head", and "ode to Siri" in the near future.


I completely agree with "Loyal Reader"


Let me share my priorities for this year: Family, Health, Studies, Career, and Wealth.For me my family is still the priority in my life because they are the reason why I live. Also, for this year, I aim to be a Dentist in Jersey City.

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