My resolution this year was to focus more acutely on the 5 things I set down as priorities for last year: Family, Work, Exercise, Cooking and Finances.
I also added a bonus topic: Play more cards.
This may seem a little too specific for a list that general but I love playing cards - I love everything about it - I love the camraderie, the competition, the math, the strategy, etc. I figured that by adding cards to the list I'd be spending time with my children, my husband and friends, while keeping all of us mentally stimulated.
As far as my goals go, this weekend was fantastic.
On Saturday morning we went to a rally at the Massachusetts State Capitol to support the Second Amendment. It was great to bring the kids to a political rally to teach them about the American political system. The people that we met that day were wonderful including a reenactor from the Massachusetts 54th regiment who answered all of my son's questions.
Afterwards we planned to head home but detoured through the Boston Museum of Science. It's an AMAZING museum and we all learn something every time we go. We have a membership and try to go several times a year.
Saturday evening we spent hours working on a puzzle that my son had asked for. He's almost 9 and is fantastic at puzzles. Then after they had gone to bed, my husband and I played 500 rummy.
We woke up late - 9 o'clock! - and dressed in running clothes. My husband and the boys and my baby (6) did sprints in our front yard. My 7yo daughter and I did sprints around "the block." It's a mile and we finished it in under 11 minutes. She was grabbing her side towards the end but she finished strong.
Then I went for a long run. (5.5 miles.) When I got back I made chili. I don't really care for chili but I think that every one should have a good chili recipe. This one was not that recipe. (It wasn't bad but it wasn't good either.)
Then my son and I went shopping to buy him a costume for his biography report - yes he has to dress up as the person he is reporting on - General Patton. We had lunch at Moe's and then shopped for movies at Frye's. (He was patient with me as I just kept asking, "Why would we buy this here when we have Amazon prime?)
Then we went home and we all played cards for a while until the football game came on.
When the Pats blew their shot I went upstairs to get ready for work. I flew to NYC today (Monday) and will fly home tomorrow.
I'm not going to lie - it was a LONG two days. I'm not sure I got to sit down or stop much but I had an amazing time spending one on one time with each of my children and my husband and doing the things I enjoy.
This weekend will hold memories for all of us - strong memories of the protest at the State House and fuzzier ones - of holding my 6yo in my lap while we cheered in our football jerseys.
It's easy to let the time pass - it's harder to make it count but so worthwhile.
Ahh, the wonderful weekend that you need another weekend from. I know that all too well.
My daughter, 2, is actually getting really good at puzzles. If my son, 3, would stop biting off the little nubbins from puzzle pieces, I'd actually be moving her from puzzles on the iPhone to physical puzzles.
I do have a good chili recipe, but I seldom make it . . . but, perhaps, with this cold spell...
Posted by: DaddyRunsALot | January 22, 2013 at 10:48 AM
Had a friend at that rally as well. He said it was a pretty amazing experience...
Posted by: TM | January 22, 2013 at 01:56 PM
Good for you! I am ecstatic to hear that you are a supporter of our basic "Bill of Rights", including the 2nd Amendment.
Sounds like a VERY busy (but rewarding) weekend.
Posted by: JG | January 23, 2013 at 07:49 AM
Kit, I still adore you and probably always will - but as a reader from the early days I just wanted to let you know that I LOVED hearing the naughty/rude/unconventional thoughts in your mind, the part of you that was cheating on your other blog, that revelled in anonymity. I miss that voice just a bit, although I still check every day for a new post. Hoping to see more of "10 things that made me laugh this week", "the crazy in my head", and "ode to Siri" in the near future.
Posted by: Loyal Reader | January 24, 2013 at 03:38 AM
I completely agree with "Loyal Reader"
Posted by: J | January 24, 2013 at 08:33 AM
Let me share my priorities for this year: Family, Health, Studies, Career, and Wealth.For me my family is still the priority in my life because they are the reason why I live. Also, for this year, I aim to be a Dentist in Jersey City.
Posted by: Tim | March 01, 2013 at 02:15 AM