I was talking to my friend Jen at Blogher and I said, "You know, I dont know that I got much out of this year's Blogher. I mean, I love hanging out with you but I'm not sure the keynotes or the sessions or the parties were really worth it. We could probably just rent a beach house and have everyone come and have a great time."
And she said, "but then we risk being one of the cliques."
Three hours later we sat in her room drinking wine at a party we called "MediocHer" and getting to know someone we had known online for AGES but had never met in person before.
The next morning, I said, "you know, you're right. If we'd rented a Cape House we never would have met Babe_Chilla, and she's the best part of Blogher so far."
There's something to be said for comfortable sociable circles, and then there's something to be said for new meat. :)
yes...I agree because great people are not necessary apart of your usual crowd
Posted by: D HArza | August 23, 2012 at 09:27 AM
You are far too kind!
However, Jen sure as hell better be inviting me to the beach house ;)
There has been a lot of this talk post BlogHer and it's hard. I met a lot of people I wanted to meet, and definitely I couldn't have met them all any other way. If I do another BlogHer though, I will do it differently. Maybe just a party expo pass.
That is, if I'm not at the beach house with you all ;)
Posted by: Babe_Chilla | August 23, 2012 at 02:26 PM
Well, if you do wind up getting a beach house, can I come?
I went to BlogHer this yr and had similar feelings. It was my 1st time and I signed up late and didn't quite know what to expect, but I thought it could have been better organized and had more informative panels. I was glad I went anyway.
Love the title of the post.
Posted by: One Funny Motha | August 23, 2012 at 08:01 PM
Yeah, the problem with the beach house idea is that there wouldn't be fresh mean to meet.
Though I do love the idea of renting a beach house with all of my favorite bloggers and just spending a weekend drinking & storytelling.
And, yeah, didn't meeting Babe_Chilla just absolutely make the weekend worth it?
Posted by: John | August 24, 2012 at 07:36 AM