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August 23, 2012


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D HArza

yes...I agree because great people are not necessary apart of your usual crowd


You are far too kind!

However, Jen sure as hell better be inviting me to the beach house ;)

There has been a lot of this talk post BlogHer and it's hard. I met a lot of people I wanted to meet, and definitely I couldn't have met them all any other way. If I do another BlogHer though, I will do it differently. Maybe just a party expo pass.

That is, if I'm not at the beach house with you all ;)

One Funny Motha

Well, if you do wind up getting a beach house, can I come?

I went to BlogHer this yr and had similar feelings. It was my 1st time and I signed up late and didn't quite know what to expect, but I thought it could have been better organized and had more informative panels. I was glad I went anyway.

Love the title of the post.


Yeah, the problem with the beach house idea is that there wouldn't be fresh mean to meet.

Though I do love the idea of renting a beach house with all of my favorite bloggers and just spending a weekend drinking & storytelling.

And, yeah, didn't meeting Babe_Chilla just absolutely make the weekend worth it?

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