On Christmas Eve my family comes to my house for dinner and presents. And by family I mean my brother and sister, their spouses and combined 7 kids. It's a cacophany of fun. And every year one of the fathers dresses up like Santa. Well, with the oldest nearing ten and the younger ones approaching 8 the jig is pretty much up. Oh, they believe in Santa they just realize that it's unlikely he has time to swing by our house for a meet and greet when the online Santa tracker says that he's in Paris. Tonight at dinner my daughter accosted my husband: "You ARE SANTA!" she told him, "We all know it. I saw your shoes!"
My younger daughter - the 5 year old - interrupts. "Daddy, say 'yo ho ho'" she orders.
My husband looks at her, shrugs and says, "Yo ho ho."
"Aha!" she says.
I say to her. "Pirates say Yo ho ho."
My 8yo says, "Santa says 'Ho Ho Ho!'"
We all look at him, gasp and say, "YOU ARE SANTA!"
He claps his hand over his eyes and says, "I should have seen that coming."
LOL...Yo ho ho
Posted by: D HArza | August 30, 2012 at 09:16 AM
Ha ha! That does explain Santa's rum-scented breath!
Posted by: Kara | August 30, 2012 at 09:34 AM