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July 11, 2012


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Good thing DH is very comfortable with our marriage!


Hey, wait a minute....I just read the last post "Fiction"!
It better be!


hmm, I've always wanted to see the amazing sights of NYC, so, thank you for that. You made my Hump Day.


No cab so you got yourself a little ass... what a good attitude!


You know, I've probably had over a thousand New York City cab rides in my lifetime, and I've never, ever had a woman driver. Never. And I never thought twice about that fact until now.

Cycling does make for a nice tuchus, does it not?

Valentina@crib bedding

hmmm, seems quite a promising ride, even if it's only for the vista :D


Omigod I love sexy asses, that's why I married my husband. You had a great view! I'll bet you didn't wanna get off, but still got off later huh ;-)

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