A couple of months ago I signed my family up for a 5k race in town. Everyone was excited to do the race.
Until today.
The kids races were scheduled to start at 8:30 am but when my alarm clock went off at 7am, my husband grunted, "I'll give you a thousand dollars to blow it off."
I may have been more tempted if my husband weren't a stay at home dad.
I got up to see how the kids were feeling about the race. We HAD kept them up late the night before and if they were all zonked out I would consider blowing it off.
The girls were up and dressed and SO EXCITED.
The boys were asleep. When I told them that it was time to get up they groaned. "I'll give you a thousand dollars to blow it off." the 9 yo said.
"Me TOO." his brother (8) chimed in.
I walked back to my bedroom where my husband hadn't moved.
I looked at him disparagingly AND accusingly. "The boys offered me a thousand dollars each to blow if off" I told him, trying to SHAME him.
Without even opening his eyes he said, "So you're up three grand?"
"Nice try." I laughed.
The race was fantastic. The 9yo took 5 minutes off his mile time. The 8yo and 6yo finished the 1/4 mile race side by side. (The 6yo told me she thought it was more important that they stay together than that she win.)
The 5yo missed her race because she was in the bouncy house. OOPS.
And then the 6yo and I ran the 5k. She was AMAZING and I was so inspired!
your kids have shamed me, after about 10 years of lapsed spinning, gymming, swimming etc I just got my fat behind of the couch and have started towards 5k.
I remember a time when I did not think it was a big deal, now every step hurts and I lumber rather than run
I'd have probably stayed in the bouncy house!
Posted by: Sharron | May 21, 2012 at 10:58 AM
I'd have to agree with Sharron. Congrats to you all.
...oh the bouncy house. It will get you every time.
Posted by: Keia | May 21, 2012 at 11:49 AM
I walked all the way over to my computer this morning, TWICE ... does that count?
Posted by: Betty Fokker | May 21, 2012 at 12:28 PM