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May 26, 2012


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I'd totally go with my awesome ND SIL!


Hrm...my mom is going to be coming to stay with us for a month when this baby is born, so I think I'd take her.


I would take my boyfriend, his tootsies need some summer lovin' and he would totally be down for it! What a treat!


I would invite my niece, who has kept me alive, literally and figuratively.

The Nice Lady

Eustice and I would take my friend who is like a sister to me and has never had a pedicure. I didn't have one until I was in my 30's. I agree, it's a very special treat!


I'd go with my mom! We both love pedicures but rarely treat ourselves to one!


Wow, that's so kind if you! I've NEVER had a pro pedicure, but I was just looking at my feet today thinking I could use one :) And I know my daughter would love it. She is my current manicurist :)


I would take my friend who just had a baby, to celebrate her being able to see her toes again!


Oooooh, I super want to take myself for a birthday pedi (mine is Thursday) but car inspection is up this month and I don't know if Bessie's going to be with us for another year without big bucks I don't have going into her :/ My bestie who I've not seen in two years is visiting in a couple of weeks and this would be such a lovely treat for us! Thanks for giving the gift of summer toes, Kit :)

Kayla @ TheEclecticElement

I'd go with one of my best friends because we both deserve a little something nice :)

Thank you for this generous giveaway!

TheEclecticElement AT yahoo DOT com


I'd invite my mom... She hasn't had one in a very long time but loves them. I think she needs one.

Meg Currell

My daughter, who is graduating from high school tomorrow and currently has a fractured shoulder blade, needs a pedicure so bad I'm on the verge of doing it for her myself. And she would, of course, take me, because while she's only had one arm to use, I've been helping her with everything, and she'd probably say I deserve it.

Charlotte (Shay) Brewer

me and my girl! She is going to be 8 in August and she would think that is so much fun.



Totally going with a friend. Now if we could find a spa that also had martinis things would be perfect


I would take my mom. Last year, when I was going through a really hard time, my mom gave me a gift card that my sdad gave her so that I could get my first mani/pedi. It gave me a chance to do something for me, and to get a break from my real life, even for a little while. I would love to return the favor for her.

Mary, QoE

I don't know who I'd take. I've never had a pedicure (or a manicure). My mother and both my sisters get them. A lot of my friends do, too. I wish I had a daughter. I have just one son (who is AWESOME), but I doubt if he'd want to go.

So I guess I'd take a friend who has also never had one. Then we could share the newness of the experience together.

Pam Dolen

Take my daughter-in-law she just had her 1st Baby and then my son left for boot camp!!

Katie Chavanak

my friend Becca. I have a four month old and she has a one week old. we could use the love!


I'd invite a friend of mine who's been having a rough time lately because nothing cheers you up like a pedicure! Love love love them, but rarely get them because money is tight for me too, here at my stop in unemploymentland. This is a great giveaway!

Nicole Drysdale-Rickman

If I win, I would take one of my best girl friends, who is about to start an IVF cycle and is super stressed!


I just got a pedi last week with my mom do I'd probablly take her withe again!


I would bring my Soul Sista Lisa. I'm a single parent & hardly have time to get together with friends. Summer Toes would be so much fun!


I'd go with a very pregant friend - she could use some pampering!


I'd take my mom - she just packed up her whole life to move to LA to help us with our daughter. She's been a babysitting goddess lately, despite some pretty big health issues (bad hip, fibromyalgia). And also she hasn't had a pedicure since I treated her to her first one... 12 years ago!


I'd go with my best friend, Tina, whom I haven't seen in several months. She always makes me laugh, no matter how dire the situation seems.


I would take my best friend. Her home life has been rough lately (her husband works long hours, so she takes on the housework, child care, and homeschooling their oldest), and I would love to give her a little time to relax.


I would totally take YOU (and maybe our mutual friend(s)?)! my mama won't let anyone near her feet or i'd take her.


What a fun way to launch the summer! I'd take my niece, who's in that feeling gawky stage.


Me meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! I'd take my BFF.


I would take my mom. I haven't had any quality time with her within the last six months. We need some time to relax, especially lately.

Amy B.

I'd take my BFF! We love a pedicure!


I'd take my niece. She recently started working as an R.N. and is living on her own and finishing school so she can be a nurse practitioner. She's awesome and needs to de-stress a little!


Hmm, my friends and family all live kind of far away, so while I wish I could tell you exactly who I'd take and why, the answer would probably, "Either my best friend, my mom, or my sister, whoever came to visit me and had time to go with me first!" ;)


Ummmmm, would I be a horrible person if I used them both on myself? Yes? Alright, gun to my head, I GUESS I'd take a sister or the BFF ;)


I'd take my best friend. She's 20 weeks pregnant with her 2nd & really needs some relaxation. I'm guessing she would fall asleep in the chair while they're working on her toes!


I would take a coworker. We're teachers and need a little destressing and pampering at this time of year.


I would take my 7 yr old daughter.. I have always done her hands but
Never her feet. She would love it!! Mommyandmetime:)


My mom opened her home to me after i left my husband, so i would take her!


I would take my daughter - she is a preprofessional dancer and her feet are so beat up and gross. We would wait until after her last performance of the season but then I am taking her and having those feet fixed.


I LOVE pedicures...I'd take my 5yr old daughter. She's such a girl and would love it too.


I'd take my little sister, who just graduated from college and is sometimes *too* practical and would never get one for herself!


I'd go with my pal Janet. We used to get pedis all the time, but haven't been able to connect lately. I missing pedis with her!


I loved going to get my toes done with my stepmom when I was a kid, I would return the favor and take her!


I'd take my BFF and coteacher Michele. She is always there for me and has my back. And she has picked up the slack since I have been so sick and tired with this pregnancy. She has struggled all year with a sick baby- its one thing after another. She deserves a break!!

Anne rogers

I would bring my baby girl, who's also never had a pedicure - and she's nearing the ripe old age of twelve!


I'd take the mama, she's had a rough year and I know she'd love to welcome summer with pretty toes.


I'd take my BFF from college. We only get to see each other every few years!

Dave Gibson

I'd love to win this and give it to my wife who gets pampered not nearly enough. She would almost certainly take her friend who can never afford such things. Me? I'd watch the kids and let them have some girl time.


I would definitely take my mom. We would have super fun!


I would take my twin, so we would be even more matching! LOL

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