My second son is brilliant and strong. He is sweet and loving.
He is also the one most likely to drive me completely insane.
I had planned c-sections with all of my children. Except my second. With him I went into labor three weeks early and waited at the hospital while my inlaws raced to my house to stay with my oldest so my husband could race to the hospital to be with me while he was born.
After he was born he nursed like a CHAMP. So much so that at the end of every feeding he would projectile vomit EVERYWHERE. I had to carry a stopwatch with me and only let him nurse for 2 minutes at a time. (I realize this is not his fault - none of this is his fault - he can't help any of it.)
While potty training one day he got off the toilet long enough to poop in the middle of the living room and then went back to his books on the potty.
The other day my husband asked the kids to hold a hose for him while it filled a barrel with water. My 5 yo took her turn with no trouble. My 6yo took her turn with no trouble. My 8yo second son drenched everything in the garage within 30 seconds (including himself.)
We have the kids gargle with salt water every night before bed. We keep an old 2 liter Diet Coke bottle in the bathroom full of salt water. Friday night I filled 4 bathroom cups with some salt water. I - apparently - spilled it everywhere, including all over my shirt.
As I looked down at it my husband said, "I did that too last night."
But while I was incredibly jetlagged, I am not that uncoordinated. So I put the cap back on the bottle, turned it upside down and squeezed.
And sure enough, two little jets of water shot out of the bottle. I showed my husband.
He rolled his eyes.
Quickly I said, "$10 it was (our second son)"
"Of course it was," he laughed. "I'm not taking that bet."
I called the boy into the bathroom. "Did you happen to poke holes in the top of the salt water bottle?" I asked him.
His eyes lit up. He nodded. He laughed. "Yeah!" he told me, "I wanted to get Daddy all wet!"
I looked down at my wet shirt. So did he.
"Oops." he said. And then laughing, he went back to his room.
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