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April 19, 2012


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Ranch Mama

Hahaha! I would have been right there with you!


Hmmmmm... Army cadets! Drool!


A whole lot more interesting, that is just a *slight* understatement....


Were you having some Blanche Devereaux (from the Golden Girls) moments? Oh, my!


Ha, those military boys are quite a breed...and very distracting.

Jester Queen

Haha!! Interesting probably has layers of meaning around your house.


I have been going to Gettysburg for years...my grandparents took me and, just a year or two ago, I took my grandkids. One of my favorite places in the US of A!


I feel this way about sailors.


Gatta love a man in uniform ... and when it's MEN - HOLY SHIT! Was your drool noticeable? I was the same way a couple weeks ago when I was with hubby outside of McDonald's and this drool worthy, really built, tightly bunned, muscles in all the right places, good looking specimen walked past us and my husband playfully punched me on my arm and said he'd have to check me to see if I was wet.


It's like a "Choose Your Own Adventure, Kit's Vacation Edition".


I love a man in uniform so I can totally understand this.


So, how much did a cab home from Gettysburg cost you? :)

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