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March 20, 2012


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Ewwwww... re: ants... So happy that you are bucking up though!!


I think my sister would kill me if I got the nephew an ant farm. If only because he likes to take things apart.


I have a friend that gave my kids an ant farm....I told them to dig outside for the ants because I wasn't paying for them to be shipped when I have a million in my yard, lol. Needless to say the ant farm is still antless.


Who calls the landlord for ants? That completely blows my mind.


The same endorphins are released from orgasms as from running - they're just released differently. Following one by the other will always leave you feeling good for days.

I remember wanting an Ant Farm growing up, but never getting one because my mother was not allowing ants in her house. But, I know I would catch myself watching them for hours. Once my kids are old enough to convince themselves that spilling the ants out of the ant farm would be a good idea, I'll be getting one.

Also? I can watch fish swim around for hours on end . . . the more stressed I am, the more fascinated I am by our underwater friends.

Jester Queen

Oh god. My Mom wanted an ant farm the whole time I was a kid. Waaaanted it. And I was having nunna. My niece (being raised by Mom) is finally the child with my mother's outdoor heart. They went out and bought an ant farm together - seriously - as a reward for accomplishing a mutual goal. And they tell me about the fucking ANTS EVERY TIME I CALL. AAAARGH


Okay we got the same gift. I think its animal planet or something. I have not however sent in for the ants. And we got this for Christmas. There's a crack in the little plastic thing and I'm pretty sure the ants will escape and attack me.

Lady Grinning Soul

Rants are strangely and interestingly hypnotic…

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