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February 08, 2012


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Aliza T.

You have no idea how much I needed this today. Thank you both so much!

Jessie Powell

Hurray for true love! I've been shaken by the news from blogland lately, too. I know I really only know these bloggers by what they put out there, and that there is tons going on in their real lives. But there has been just this rash of people getting separated and divorced that makes me fear "what if there's something about my own marriage I don't know". Not rational, I know, but still. Thanks for the Hope, Kit, and thanks for the story, Amy.


What an awesome message. Speaking from a male perspective, sometimes, we just see something in you as a woman that you might not at the time, but that we never waver from.

It takes persistence, it takes patience, it takes strength, but in the end, I can't believe anything other that it being completely and unequivocally worth it.


I'm so glad you were able to get out of that relationship! No one deserves to be treated that way.


Amy, we love you and glad that you made it through this all. You are inspiring for those that are going through relationships like this and that there is hope afterwards.


Amy, thank you for writing this. Kit, thank you for hosting this. People need to see this . . . people need to know that there is light after a bad marriage. And people need to know that there is never, ever room for abuse.


Finding and meeting a good man or woman is nice and congratulations! But we as women need to remember that we should not expect our happiness to come from another person. Lets love and embrace ourselves and then a good partner will just be icing on our already awesome cake. In 30 years we women will still be best girlfriend sitting on our front porch swings sipping wine and these men will just be distant memories.

Jana A (@jana0926)

I'm so proud of you for writing this! xoxo


Amy, I have been in your shoes and now have my Prince Charming that I have been married to for 20 years. It took a long time to gain back my self-respect, but I did and am stronger now for it.

Thank you Kit, for having Amy bring her story to the rest of us. There are so many of us like her that remind others that there is always something better out there. Don't settle for less than the best.


You could seriously be describing my relationship with my ex husband. I have now been married 8+ years to the most wonderful man ever. Thanks so much for sharing your story.....hopefully someone that is going through the same thing will see it and have some hope.

Barbara Hillebrecht

This is wonderful and inspiring, and I am so happy that you found a person and a relationship you deserve.

Laura Page

This is such a moving story! Thank you so much, Amy, for sharing the pain and the sorrow, but also the new found joy! So happy you found the place you belong!


Wow, what an inspirational woman you are Amy!
Thank god you got out of that relationship,no one should ever be treated like that. People who treat other people like that are usually scared little bullies who find they need the power bullying gives them to make them feel big!
So glad you found love and the respect you deserve, here's to endless years of happiness x


I dated a guy in college who was a jerk. I won't go into detail, but I deserved better. The only reason he didn't want to break up with me was for his ego. That was it. I knew he'd cheated and when I wouldn't let him do to me what he wanted, he'd lie to his friends and tell them he had done it anyway. When I finally had the guts to break up with him, one of his friends asked me out. He was sweet, funny, he paid for dinner or tickets instead of asking me to spot him. He didn't force me to do things, or stay away from my friends. He wanted me to meet his mom. He wanted to meet mine. When he found out I was pregnant he laughed, picked me up, and spun me around.
Reading this blog post made me cry, because it made me see how much worse it could have been, but how lucky I was to get out so soon. I hope other women read this post. If they're struggling, I hope they gain courage. If they're happy, I hope they realize what they have.

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