I got an email from the mother of one of my son's friends today - which is frightening enough - but it started with the sentence, "I feel awkward emailing you about this..."
UGH. What did he do?
But she went on to say, "My son told me the following story and I wanted to share it with you..."
Apparently our sons and some other boys were sitting at the lunch table and her son made a joke. My son was the only one who laughed.
"Oh," the other boy's mother said, "So it wasn't funny?"
"No." the boy told her. "I know it was funny because D- (my son) laughed and he's smart and can get things - the other boys only laugh if you say 'underwear.'"
I told that story to my husband and he laughed hysterically and then told me his own story...
Today, he and my 6 year old daughter were talking about growing up and he had said something about developing a sense of humor. My daughter asked him what he meant and he said, "well, when you get older you'll appreciate different kids of humor, right now you only laugh when I say, 'poop.'"
At which point my daughter burst into hysterical laughter completely proving his point.
She finally calmed down and they went back to what they had been doing.
About five minutes later my daughter started chuckling and when my husband asked her why, she looked up at him laughing and said, "You said poop!"
Haha! He said poop
Posted by: Imperfectmomma | January 24, 2012 at 09:09 AM
I giggle whenever someone says "duty".
Posted by: Bobbi | January 24, 2012 at 12:13 PM
I laugh when I see cougar warnings for our region.
Posted by: robin | January 24, 2012 at 02:38 PM
My kids laugh when we go to pediatrician (sp?) because he has a sign over the trash that says "do not dispose of poopy diapers in the trash". My kids who are now teens still laugh every time they see the sign.
Posted by: Michelle Saunderson | January 24, 2012 at 02:40 PM
I had to ration the poo word at our house. Once a week.
Posted by: Ess | January 24, 2012 at 04:22 PM
I laughed at this. Not sure if was underwear or poop that did it.
Posted by: Stacey | January 24, 2012 at 07:56 PM
Some adults never evolve beyond the underwear jokes! Like our local radio DJ:D Sounds like you are lucky to have a son with a true sense of humour :D
Posted by: Leslie | January 25, 2012 at 12:34 AM
I'm chuckling . . . because you wrote "poop."
That's a big, big thing for D-, I mean, knowing that he's developing a real sense of humor is huge
Posted by: John | January 25, 2012 at 08:50 AM
You said poop and underpants in the same post. {Laughs hysterically}
Oh...wait....this was about a MATURING sense of humor.
Posted by: Jessie Powell | January 25, 2012 at 11:47 AM
Posted by: Marta | January 25, 2012 at 02:39 PM
Hahahahaha! My 7yo nephew the other day was playing paramedic and he put EKG leads (he got them from firefighter dad) on his nipples and told his brother and cousins that's how the nipples get oxygen. Then they all giggled about nipples and I said, "You guys have nipples!" giggle giggle "I have nipples!" laughter "GRAMMA has nipples!!" pee your pants roll on the floor hysterics.
Posted by: Kim Pugliano | January 26, 2012 at 06:27 PM
hahaha. a lot of people don't grow out of this.....
Posted by: A Morning Grouch | January 27, 2012 at 07:12 PM