I am not going to lie to you... the past couple of weeks have been as dry as the Sahara desert at my house. And I am including the nights that I was in the mood but just too damn lazy to get out of bed to get Siri after my husband fell asleep.
Sad times at Casa de Dangerous.
What's the situation you're wondering? Well, there are a couple of things going on... First of all, the husband is on a fitness kick so during the day he's pumping iron instead of well, you know.
And after the kids go to bed he starts falling asleep and drooling in front of the tv until about 9pm when he's ready for bed.
9pm is JUST about the time that I stop working and break out the ol' blog so he's already in bed and snoring by the time I wander in 3 hours later.
On top of that, not having sex makes us cranky so then we get pissy and don't even want to have sex (with each other.)
Eventually we get over it, have sex, stop being cranky and start making time for it again.
That time is now.
For all of us.
I'm leaving for Amsterdam on Sunday so time is getting short.
I need a little inspiration to get over this slump. So I need you all to get it on and send me romantic karma.
Your homework is to break any dry streak you may be having - whether it's 2 years or 2 minutes - then leave a comment (anonymous is fine) and dare me to follow in your footsteps.
Let's see how many carnal comments we can get by the time I land in the City of Sin on Monday morning, okay?
Have a GREAT weekend!
I just started Burlesque classes! Soooooo much fun!
Posted by: Paris Angel | January 13, 2012 at 09:13 AM
On Friday the 13th... I think not.
Posted by: Carol | January 13, 2012 at 11:10 AM
I will be going to my boyfriends house today after not seeing him for a week. The house will be empty except for us so let the good times roll!
Posted by: Amy | January 13, 2012 at 11:24 AM
My wife isn't here, but this is one homework assignment I didn't want to procrastinate on so I just took matters into my own hands. Before you accept my dare, let me just say that I hope the customers in your coffee shop aren't as uptight as the ones here appear to be.
p.s. Miss ya, my friend -- hope you're well
Posted by: AlexanderDope | January 13, 2012 at 11:51 AM
Amsterdam? Have fun (both there and before you go)
Posted by: joeinvegas | January 13, 2012 at 11:58 AM
I must have your mojo because we've had it more often lately than before.
Posted by: Megan | January 13, 2012 at 02:09 PM
I just stopped by dry spell by going to the store, buying new undies and then sexting my hubby all day at work teasing me about see my new hot undies. I even sent picture.
The sex was awesome.
Posted by: Jen | January 13, 2012 at 03:22 PM
I'm all about the sex.
But you knew that, already.
My next story at the dark side is about a man & a woman, meeting in the airport of a city that neither of them had seen, and not visiting the city, at all. But, well, I'm not likely to finish that before you leave.
But, still, something at http://johnsdarkside.blogspot.com has to tickle your fancy. There's a bit of everything up there. If not, well, there's a dude out there with a pierced cock that is absolutely wishing that you have such incredible sex before you board the plane that the entire business trip is, really, an afterthought.
Posted by: John | January 13, 2012 at 05:14 PM
I usually break the "he fell asleep before me" dryspell by getting all sorts of sexy, and waking him up w a BJ... I dont know of any man that would refuse a BJ, turn around and keep sleeping!!!
Posted by: Margeritte | January 13, 2012 at 05:44 PM
We just ended a long dry spell. I am currently the one exercising a lot and he is sleeping on the couch. thankfully we met in the middle and the timing was perfect.
And I so can't believe I am writing this on the interwebs. Holy cow, what would my mother think? Oh, that's right, Im the prude, she'd be proud!
Posted by: Signingcharity | January 13, 2012 at 09:33 PM
Posted by: <3 | January 13, 2012 at 11:14 PM
Oh yeah, ended our dry spell last Tuesday. It was awesome.
I'm near Amsterdam :-) Have fun!
Posted by: Ruby | January 14, 2012 at 08:37 AM
Ending our dry spell this afternoon... hubby confessed to having a "secretary" fantasy last week and well... let's just say I'll be playing "sexcretery" later. :-)
Posted by: s | January 15, 2012 at 04:34 AM
It's all about the sex and having the proper toys
Posted by: Ron | January 17, 2012 at 10:53 AM