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December 16, 2011


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Coffee Lovin' Mom

We will try not to hold you accountable for injuries incurred...


I have never been able to get standing up sex to work. How do people accomplish this? I must have a defective vagina or it's off kilter or something. haha.


"i was helping a friend move furniture" and I got pregnant. LMAO


"bump uglies" that's a new one on me. LOL



Cough or sneeze. He will be pleasantly surprised.

Mayor Gia

Hahaha. Variety is the spice of life! Just remember to stretch beforehand. It's not sexy, but its effective.


My fiance is 6'6" I'm 5'4"- standing doesn't work....but we mixed it up! ;)


How's about "not doing the sex" for "doing the sex" for mixing it up?

Um, there was a reason I didn't attend #wineparty on Friday night :-)

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