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December 14, 2011


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Have you ever had the stuff? It is great!! Sweet Carolina Sweet Tea Vodka is also really good. I live in the south, so most of the time I make my own sweet tea and add vodka, but man does that pack on the calories :) But it is sooooo good in the summer heat. You should try it at your beach house.


Did you really drive 420 miles or is that part just for additional humor?! LOL


You'll fit right in down here. I'll be waving at planes, so be sure to wave back.

Jessie Powell

You're right about that. ;P I would have stabbed the coworker with a pen. "SO sorry! I really meant not to stab you in the eye. I was after your mouth."

Gwendolyn Francis (@pullmyfunnybone)

Love the T-shirt! AND sushi! Perfect day in my book! Hope you have safe travels. At least Miami will be nice weather. :-) XXOO


@Carolyn, I was thinking the same thing!!! It's 4:20 somewhere LOL.

I think you should wear the shirt (no bra, in the cold) ALL OVER your conservative town.

Why not?!?!?

I wouldn't but I want you to. Thanks. :)


Very cool shirt! 👍 And wear it anytime you damn well please... FU to conservative BS!!! Great blog. 😃


Have you actually had that stuff? It's dangerous.

I miss the days when the company I worked for had money, so that I could expense sushi. On Monday, however, I had a boatload of pretty good sushi at an all-you-can-eat sushi place. Typically, I'd avoid something like that, like the plague, but I was one of, like 3 people in the sushi bar . . . so the chef made whatever he wanted, and I got to try whatever he felt like making.


Yes, it is awesome. AWESOME.


Was He "incorrext" about You being Right? LOL Would Love to see a pic of you in it,(no bra, in the cold) ;-}


Is it made from weeds? Or bullfrogs?

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