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November 11, 2011


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Kevin Hollowell

Thank you for sharing this. You must be so proud of them both!

Jim W.

*wipes tear*

I like it!


This has made my day, thank you so much! Happy Veteran's Day to you, your family and the many others who serve. (Want to say more but am in an Apple store about to get help with problem mac . . . )




Brought tears to my eyes. Thanks for sharing!

Mildred Ratched

Out of the mouths and pencils of babes comes great wisdom and unconditional love!


Don't make me cry so early in the morning, Kit; but, thank you for my smile as I do it. It is lovely. (your post. not my smile)

carol anne

This is beautiful. I bet it made the hubs all misty eyed too.


OMG. Crying.

Dana K

I'm tearing up. This is beautiful.


What an amazing letter! Sounds like you have some pretty amazing 'guys' in your family!


awww...your son is very sweet...Happy Veteran's day to your husband

Linda Kinsman

Ah, so beautiful, thanks for sharing!

Practical Parenting

That's the most beautiful thing ever. You must be so proud. And I love, "in conclusion"...good teacher ;)

Jessie Powell

What an awesome thing for your son to do! Did he do this as part of a school project or was it something he came up with on his own? Extremely sweet either way.

Ken (30+ years USAF)

No tribute could mean more to him. You have done a magnificent job raising your son.

Ugg Bailey Button Triplet

That's the most beautiful thing ever. You must be so proud. And I love, "in conclusion"...good teacher ;)

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