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November 02, 2011


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Instead of waiting 15 years, just ship the kids off to grandma's for a week!


I wonder how many of us are going to try the ice cube thing tonight......

The Mrs.

Wait. You are having sex a couple times a WEEK? I am barely alive to do it once a month! DAMN KIDS!!!

Mildred Ratched

Sounds like we might have had bad sex with the same guy! LOL

Summer Breeze

thats funny... he says that was bad sex, my fiance says thats why he LOVES sex with me.. cuz it feels so good he has trouble controlling himself...

and Carol, its awesome :)if you havent played with ice cubes i recommend as well!


I just started reading your blog, and I love it! Let me tell you that my youngest just turned 17, is the only kid still at home, and has become more independent, going out with friends, etc., which gives me and hubby more time alone. We are really enjoying having more "quality time" together, if you know what I mean! So, it may seem like a long time from now (when your youngest goes to college), but it WILL happen! And, by the way, we're not spring chickens anymore -- he's 45 and I'm 53!

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