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November 14, 2011


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LOL...my ring tone for my hubby is the duck...


Duck, duck, goode? #obvious

Jessie Powell

When my parents marriage was starting to really unravel (not that it had ever been a particularly sound structure) Mom kind of threw herself into sewing projects. One of these was a goose-shaped pillow of the variety that you sew from a pattern. Dad, disgusted with the whole thing, hanged the goose by its neck from the bedroom ceiling and named it Dr. Ruth.

Honk honk.

A Morning Grouch

Any euphemism for a roll in the hay is a good one. Also, any way you can keep the kiddos thinking your crazy. So QUACK sounds like it is win-win.

Air Max 2009

LOL...my ring tone for my hubby is the duck...

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