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September 13, 2011


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Your list nearly gave me an anxiety attack. My list looks almost identical—just take out "dress down day" and add in "money for ice cream day." You really captured that feeling of anxiety that rushes over us when it's finally quiet.

In all honesty, I had my doctor prescribe a very low-dose anti-anxiety pill just to take when I seriously can't shut my brain off. The reality is, I know, no pill will make the endless list go away—it may just let you get the sleep you need to do again the next day. Just an idea.

Thanks for sharing—it's really wonderful.


And after all your effort, which often seems unnoticed and mundane, you will send your children off to college. If you're lucky, they will go far enough away so they cannot come home on weekends with out cash outlay and planning, which will limit their visits. You will be left alone, and your list will change. It will become shorter but much more intense. It will be a list of all of your imagined parenting failures, like the dress-down day that you forgot to prepare for or the day you ran out of gas on the way to ballet classes, or the grilled cheese sandwich supper when you didn't have enough cheese to go around because you forgot to pick it up at the store, or heaven forbid, sent one of your daughters to school with a fever because she didn't feel hot to your hand. And now you wonder which forehead you were actually feeling. Discard that list. Begin the new list. 1. Write every morning. 2. Thank God you love your college-aged children and that they have forgiven you for ironing the short-sleeved shirt instead of the long-sleeved shirt. By the way - you actually iron? Your a goddess in my book.

Tom B. Taker

I understand. Like most lists I've seen like this, you forgot at least one important item: Making time for #1.

That's probably the most important thing to remember of all.

Truthful Mommy

Thanks for the reminder:) I am already dreading when my girls go away to college. My husband has already resigned himself that we will be moving to the east coast to be closer to the girls at their respective ivy league institutions:)
I do iron....not very well, but in a crunch I can remove some wrinkles from a uniform and a leotard! Thanks for the commiseration and perspective!

Carpool Goddess

My to-do comes to me right before I go to bed. It's the only time I can think, since the house is finally quiet. The list is never ending.

Truthful Mommy

@Carpool Goddess
I know and then I can;t sleep. It's a vicious. Basically, the end result is I never get to sleep unless forced. Last night I was sick and exhausted and I fell asleep while getting the girls to sleep.Best 10 hours of sleep..EVER!


Yep, that's too true. I used to think mommy brain was forgetting everything because giving birth seemed to suck all my brain cells out. Now I think mommy brain is really not being able to turn off the brain. I know my husband doesn't stay awake thinking of a list like this but I do!! Don't worry, you are so not alone!

Truthful Mommy

I think Mommy brain is my savior so that I don't obsess about my lists all day long:)LOL


is that ALL that's on your list:)
why do we put ourselves through it..seriously!

sitting here looking at my gargantuan to-do list. and pouring some more coffee...

Truthful Mommy

It's really not all that was on my list but it wasn't bed time so I couldn't remember everything when I was writing the post:)LOL

Martha aka Momsoap

I cannot relate to this in the slightest. I would shoot myself or get divorced. Some days, being a single work at home mom is better than the status quo. I have a shitty car that I am just happy that it runs. It makes funny noises all the time. I ignore them. But I sleep at night, mostly. I have one kid. And I don't get laid. But I sleep. And I have small to-do lists. They always get done. Life is good.


I think I had mommy brain before I had a child. Part of it was growing up in a military household and part of it is knowing I have medical issues that interfere with sleep and memory anyway.

But I can SO relate ... even though I only have one child and he's not yet in school. I make lists of things to remember, things to research, things I want to do, things I wish I COULD do, reasons why I'm a horrible mommy (mostly dealing with my health issues), reasons why I'm a horrible wife (see above), world peace, the nuclear arms race, wine, getting wine ....

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