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August 07, 2011


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Ashley @ Mama of All Trades

iPad! Woot!! Seriously though, I haven't participated in #wineparty enough, but I am so glad they're there when I am able to play along.


Fantastic..and I already follow you everywhere, except when you are walking around the neighborhood..then I am just lurking!


I love #wineparty. Haven't played along in awhile, though. I need to make time this week!

Kim @ CoffeePotChronicles

I stalk you on Twitter and Facebook already. Heehee. Surprisingly been busy on Friday nights otherwise I would be hanging out at #wineparty a bit more often. You ladies are awesome!


I'd love to be entered to win!!!! and I'd love a glass of wine.


I want an ipad!! and a wineparty.


I signed up at every booth that was giving away and ipad and stood in the dumb box with the monopoly money twice. Nothing. Nada. Mama needs an ipad! Looking forward to #wineparty!


I'm a pathetic person that stays home on the weekends. well alright, my kids are grown and I have to work the weekends so I'm just too darn tired to party like a rock star. Help a struggling sister out and give me the iPad.

Charlene Werth

I follow you on facebook and your blog. I love you! And, I would love an iPad!


I love giveaways! Thanks! I also love #wineparty - I've met some of my favorite Twitter people there - starting with you, of course :)


Ha! I love wineparty and usually participate under another name. :)
Not sure I need an iPad, but I want one. :D


But...I don't like wine. I'd like an iPad with my beer or mixed drink instead please.

Ashley @ Mama of All Trades

I'm just imagining how much easier it would be to #wineparty with an iPad. Fan.tastic.

Pam P

I manage a restaurant, so Friday nights I am always at work, but when I get home in the wee hours of the morning, I usually pour myself a nightcap and search the #wineparty timeline and see what you have been up to :)

I haven't read your blog but I adore your twitter, so I am off to catch up!

Coffee Lovin' Mom

Wow sponsored #wineparty ? that would be different! I'm gonna comment both posts just to be safe here - glad it's working now!


I have no excuse. I'm 23, no kids yet, and I stay home on the weekends. I get up at five every morning to get ready for work... so I can't stay up late any more! It's sad! But it would be less sad if I did the #wineparty.

And if I won an iPad!

Samantha D

Love #wineparty, love iPads!


I wouldn't mind trying #wineparty one of these days...


As you know I already stalk you on Twitter and FB and LOVE your site!! Would love to join you for Wine Party to but that's usually Date Night for the hubby and I, and well, I know you'll understand why I don't give up that : )))))


Yay iPads! Yay wine!!


I follow your blog but I'm a little intimidated by twitter so I haven't joined in on all the #wine party fun yet.


Follow you and #wineparty, but haven't joined in much yet. Who wouldn't want to win an iPad though!?


I'm an avid #wineparty lurker. My laptop is slow, so I hardly, if ever, contribute. :/

Abbey P

I follow you on Twitter and FB AND via RunKeeper! I like to think that I run vicariously through you.


I did not know you had a FB page but you are now "like"d.


Follow you on Google Reader!


I would love to win an iPad for the language apps for autistic children. I've been trying to save for one for my daughter, but as a single mom money's tight.
See you @ the next #wineparty !


Follow you on Google Reader and Twitter. I see your wine party and enjoy the hilarity from afar...

Here's to iPads! They rock.

Jeannie B

iPad2???!!! I never ever thought I would write on anything but good old paper. Chances are, I could get addicted to the iPad. A new pet. Checking out the Wine Party next. You all make me laugh.

Jeannie B

Me again. (feeling my way around Twitter & assorted links) I also print using a letterpress and an old typewriter. How cool would it be to also have an iPad2? Ha! Sublime to Ridiculous. (Ridiculously cool, that is.)


With an iPad, I might de-lurk at #wineparty!

Molly J

#wineparty lurker each Friday night and would love to win an iPad!




I think I managed not to post a minute ago. But I keep thinking that at various places, only to find out I posted just fine. However. I love your blog. I yearn to have enough to say to get thrown into twitter jail, and I instead lurk on #wineparty. Love it.

Jane M

WOOT WOOT - and iPad 2? I found your blog thru Pioneer Woman!


I take the #wineparty with me where ever I go on Friday nights (and due to the time difference I normally start at work).


I keep you as one of my favorites already and have you on Twitter. I will definitely have to check out #wineparty one of these days!


is it pathetic that I usually stay home on Friday nights and I don't have children?! An iPad would make it feel less so...love Qwineparty- even though I am usually still @ work when you start (PST) love the blog!


I accessed your site for the ipad give away. Found out what the wine party was all about. I'll have to join in one of the parties soon. Thank you for following my tweets.

Candie ODell

Have lurked #wineparty a few times and love the hilarity!! I follow you on googlereader and soon will on facebook


I would love to win the ipad & give it to my son. He has cerebral palsy & it is difficult for him to communicate verbally. I heard there is an app for special needs communication...the world would open up for him in so many ways.

Mrs. MidAtlantic

OMG want.


Yay for the giveaway!

Jamie C

I love your blog! I started following after the Bloggies and unlike some others, I keep coming back to yours! Thanks for sharing!

I'll have to join the wine party one night soon


An iPad would be cool. You'd think that a "techy dad" like me would have four of them, but sadly you'd be wrong. Just can't justify the expense at the moment. But winning one? That'd be cool!

Cassandra B

i would love to win :-)


I want one! Ipad not boob job. I think I posted my comment in the wrong section but oh well!


#wineparty is often the best part of my week! Love 'ya Kit! xo


I always read your posts, although I don't think I have left a comment before..not sure. At any rate, I don't have children at home anymore, but I love to drink wine. Would an Old Gal be welcome at #wineparty?

I would love to have an iPad. And, yes, I would be proud to add you to my Blogroll. Actually, I'm kind of embarrassed that you had to ask, since I read Blogging Dangerously as soon as your reminder appears in my mailbox daily!

Old Gal


#wineparty is the highlight of the week for the wife and I. You're a God-send Kit. Thanks!! :)

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