My mom came over today to take the girls out to lunch. She stayed late because my husband was out of Class A narcotics and wanted to score some more pick up a new prescription.
When the boys came home she helped them with their homework. I came out of my office to see how things were going as she was helping my 6yo with some spelling homework.
"Match the list word to the word it goes with." were the directions. None of us had any idea what they were talking about.
The first word was "BAD."
"What goes with bad?" my son asked.
My mom answered, "BAD BOY" and then made a very appropriate cougar-like growl in the back of her throat.
This was a glimpse into mt DNA that I could have lived without.
"Where I come from....there's cornbread and chicken...and workin' hard to get to heaven". Just reminded me of your post. :)
Posted by: Carol | May 11, 2011 at 11:09 AM
No. Just, no. I mean, given YOU, it doesn't suprize me that your mom totally went there . . but . . yeah. But YOU? Awesome.
Posted by: Kim | May 11, 2011 at 12:53 PM
Your mother seriously is the best! no wonder you're like too - it's all in your DNA for sure!
Posted by: Swetlana | May 11, 2011 at 02:25 PM
Seems like your mom and Carmen (or Carmen's twin) will get along nicely!
Posted by: TropicallyAnon | May 11, 2011 at 03:21 PM
file this under the list, "It's only funny when it's not your Mom that does matter how old you are!"
Posted by: wyngrrrl | May 11, 2011 at 03:47 PM
I've been following you on Twitter for some time and just now made it to your site (I'm awful). I read the first page and laughed my ass off. Especially the bit about confusing Colonel Mustard and General Custer (I believe it was the Lakota in the Deep Ravine with the Winchester Repeating Rifle) I absolutely can't wait to read more!
Posted by: Laura | May 11, 2011 at 04:26 PM
Ha, ha...nice post. Now I know why my DNA is not written on my forehead - thank you Mother Nature!
Posted by: Valentina@baby crib bedding | May 13, 2011 at 01:01 PM