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May 11, 2011


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"Where I come from....there's cornbread and chicken...and workin' hard to get to heaven". Just reminded me of your post. :)


No. Just, no. I mean, given YOU, it doesn't suprize me that your mom totally went there . . but . . yeah. But YOU? Awesome.


Your mother seriously is the best! no wonder you're like too - it's all in your DNA for sure!


Seems like your mom and Carmen (or Carmen's twin) will get along nicely!


file this under the list, "It's only funny when it's not your Mom that does it...no matter how old you are!"


I've been following you on Twitter for some time and just now made it to your site (I'm awful). I read the first page and laughed my ass off. Especially the bit about confusing Colonel Mustard and General Custer (I believe it was the Lakota in the Deep Ravine with the Winchester Repeating Rifle) I absolutely can't wait to read more!

Valentina@baby crib bedding

Ha, ha...nice post. Now I know why my DNA is not written on my forehead - thank you Mother Nature!

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