This is what it was like here today and it's supposed to rain tomorrow so instead of going out to dinner tomorrow night to celebrate my 6year old's birthday, we decided to go tonight.
We went to a sports bar with an outdoor patio right on the harbor. It was GORGEOUS.
As we're sitting there, my 4 year old turns to me and asks, "Mom, what did the lion say to the zebra?"
"What?" I ask her.
"No!" she says. "You have to guess."
"Hmmm." I think. "Did he say, 'Hey wanna come over for dinner?'"
"No." she answers.
"I give up." I tell her.
"You have to GUESS!" she tells me.
So I sit there thinking for a minute and then say, "I like your new outfit?"
She looks at me, looks down at her shirt and says, "Thank you."
"NO." I say.
So I remind her, "What did the lion say to the zebra?"
She looks at me blankly, "I don't know, what?" she asks.
And then I jumped over the railing and tried to drown myself but the tide was out and the water was only a foot deep so I just laid there flailing for a bit.
And no, I never did find out what the lion said to the zebra, but I'm guessing it was something along the lines of, "Dude, don't ever have kids. They'll make you FUCKING CRAZY."
This reminds me of when I was a kid. I didn't quite understand jokes, but wanted to tell one so I told my dad and uncle I had a joke. My dad made a big deal out of it and was sure the funniest thing ever was going to come out of my mouth. "What does one cottonwood tree say to the other?" is what I came up with (lots of cottonwoods around). I was partway through the joke when I realized I needed an answer and started to panic. Instead of something clever like your daughter having you guess, I came up with "Shug Shug" or something like that, then laughed like crazy to try to convince them that this was a really funny joke and they just didn't get it. Then I ran away.
Posted by: Jenny | May 27, 2011 at 09:32 AM
How about this:
What did the lion say to the zebra?
I wasn't planning this as a formal dinner, but I appreciate you wearing pinstripes and tails all the same.
Posted by: Deacon Blue | May 27, 2011 at 09:35 AM
I had to know, so I Googled it. "What did the lion say to the zebra? Roar." (
Posted by: BSmitty | May 27, 2011 at 10:11 AM
This totally reminds of the time a friend and I took out pack of kids into DC for the kite festival. Riding the metro on the way home our 6 year old sons decided to start telling knock knock jokes none of which made any sense at all. They of course thought they were hysterical and I'm pretty sure every person on the packed metro wanted to kill us after half an hour of these jokes.
Posted by: Felicia | May 27, 2011 at 10:37 AM
HAHAHA HAHAHA HAHAHA! This story made me snort! I end up having the same kinds of conversations with my 10-year-old daughter.
Posted by: Btweenthecovers | May 27, 2011 at 07:04 PM
Holy CRAP!!!! KIDS!!! my 12 year old son does this to me ALL the time! We will be having a conversation.. a real conversation.... and then he will look at me and say 'what'? Or some dorky thing like that ..right in the middle of something... or he will say 'I don't know'... and it just throws everything off! As if... his mind did a total wander, to another galaxy, and came back and was like 'what up lady???'...
Drives me crazy....
Posted by: Andi Sexton | May 28, 2011 at 12:46 AM
My 8 year old does this all the time... Newest one was it's the 6th day of the month why isn't today Friday? (He's referring to 7 days of the week)My answer was umm what?
Posted by: Shannon | May 28, 2011 at 01:01 AM
I think she's a genius... She got your mind moving didn't she?? lol ;D
Posted by: Jaimie | May 28, 2011 at 05:00 AM
What I used to do to my kids is ask them the answers just as the fell asleep. This little riddle will rack my brain for hours now.....
Posted by: RDITR | May 28, 2011 at 09:59 AM
hahahaaaahhhahah. that said, I had a conversation just like this with a client yesterday, he's probably 35.
Posted by: JJ | June 02, 2011 at 10:19 AM