My husband seriously believes that sex is all about the law of large numbers - that is to say that if he asks me to have sex 1 MILLION times per day - he will probably get it about 3 times a week.
What I don't think he realizes is that this has me VERY MUCH in the habit of saying, "no" without really considering the question.
The problem is that since he asks me at times when I absolutely can't - like when I'm bending over to empty the dishwasher, or bending over to get lettuce out of the crisper, or bending over to tie my shoes (do you see the pattern?) - "No" becomes my go-to answer.
For example, today was a VERY slow day at work. My mom showed up at noon to take the girls to lunch and the boys were at school so it was just the two of us in the house. I think he suggested sex 8 times between noon and when my mom came home at 2. If we discussed the question for a minute each time he brought it up - and ended up not doing it - we could have had sex 2 or 3 times in the amount of time we spent discussing how we were not going to have sex.
I said no because I felt like I had work to do - but the truth is that I could have given in and added 6 minutes to my day. What a waste!
So I'm resolving to listen to the question and seriously consider it before I say no. And just because every single item is not crossed off my todo list - doesn't mean I can't indulge.
So for your homework I'm encouraging you to try saying "YES" instead of no. (And for you singles out there - this means taking some "time for yourself" if you know what I mean.)
And don't forget to leave a comment and tell me if saying yes puts a spring in your step AND adds 6 minutes to your day!
Note: husband if you're reading this - it doesn't mean that I'm going to give in EVERY time you ask - so don't up the requests to TWO million times per day please.
* Amusing aside - Myhusband just came in and gave me "the look" and I had to tell him no so that I could finish this post!
I will resolve to consider the question with you - my husband isn't as lucky as yours 3xweek... I also didn't know it added 6 minutes to your life, we may have some catching up to do!
Posted by: Coffee Lovin' Mom | May 31, 2011 at 11:38 PM
I'm trying to teach DH the value of the quickie.
Posted by: Jessie Powell | June 01, 2011 at 12:09 AM
If I wasn't traveling for work this week I would start it....I guess I will start saying yes, more on Sunday!
I wonder sometimes why my husband doesn't just stop asking when he receives so many rejections.
Posted by: Becky | June 01, 2011 at 12:48 AM
Oh no. I read ur post out loud to my hubby without pre-reading... DAMN... There was no stopping that one before he caught it... "oh! You havta say yes more! Nice!" ...*5 mins later* "ready to do ur homework babe?" Lol
Posted by: Jaimie | June 01, 2011 at 02:12 AM
Not to get all political in the comments, but why does your husband's actions remind me of politicians and lobbyists who push for outrageous new laws knowing they have no chance of passing, then "settle" on a "compromise bill" that is essentially all they really wanted to begin with. (Wow, that was a run on sentence.)
Posted by: TechyDad | June 01, 2011 at 09:38 AM
Am I just a dirty nympho whorebag slut? I NEVER say no. I might add that I pretty much get everything I want. Related? I think maybe so.
Posted by: Handflapper | June 01, 2011 at 07:01 PM
I need to read this to my a suggestion. I'm the one always wanting it, wishing he would give in for just a couple of minutes. He says at his age now, 47, he can't get it to work when he wants it to. But for some reason, if I tell him I'm going to use Bob, he's suddenly ready LOL! Note to self: pull Bob out regularly! love your blog...and tweets (@jonesconway)!
Posted by: Marie Jones | June 02, 2011 at 09:24 AM
I didn't even tell my hubby that I had homework. He's so accustomed to me saying no, he would try to catch me offguard. Like when I was changing my clothes after I got home from work I was still in my underwear and my back was to the bedroom door. I heard the door open and close then a click - the sound of the door being locked - and when I turned around he was mother effin nekkid and looking at me quite innocently. I could only laugh as I rolled with the flow and enjoyed those 6 minutes.
Posted by: TropicallyAnon | June 02, 2011 at 08:05 PM
What is it with men and timing? Bending over, changing clothes, yelling at kids, cutting something with a sharp knife. Dude is Everyready.
Tonight, before reading this, I finally gave in. It looks like hubby figured out what I mean by quickie and I added at least 45 minutes to my night. Score!
Posted by: Sarah | June 02, 2011 at 10:23 PM
SAY YES is a key part of my mandafesto ( Especially when it comes to sex. I've never understood why women say no. I don't even think my brain knows how to make that sound come out of my mouth in the presence of a lover. (Of course, this is why half my blog commenters call me a whore. But when I was married, I said yes to my husband every chance I got, so whatever).
Anyway - Welcome to the YES club! It does a body good.
Posted by: Amanda P. Westmont | June 02, 2011 at 11:58 PM
when i hit 40, yes became my go to answer and i've got to say, i feel better than i have in years - in the past year, i've actually gotten my hubs to leave meetings early and twice he's actually left the golf course mid game for a little yes action - yes is an amazing thing yes it is!
Posted by: dps | June 03, 2011 at 09:35 AM
What drives me bonkers is that I am the one initiates sex far more often than he does. Dude! You have a horny wife who is 13 years younger than you! Give the wife some lovin' dammit!
Grr. Must give this to my hubby to read. Seriously. I'm getting tired of this once a week, if any, crap.
Posted by: Kim @ Coffee Pot Chronicles | June 13, 2011 at 02:50 PM