I went to my 4 year old daughter's end of the year "show" on Wednesday. It consisted of three skits followed by refreshments.
One of the skits was about three hungry cats. It went like this...
One day three OLD PEOPLE were making gruel in pots. They realized that they needed sugar so they asked their cats to stir the gruel for them while they went to get the sugar.
The cats tasted the gruel and tasted the gruel and tasted the gruel until it was all gone. Then they at the pots.
Then the OLD PEOPLE came back and said, "You are SO FAT. What have you been eating?"
And the cats said, "We ate the gruel and we ate the pots and now we're going to eat you!" and they eat the old people. (the children playing the old people disappear under a table cloth.)
Then another group of people come and said to the cats, "You are SO FAT! What have you been eating?"
And the cats said, "WE ate the gruel and we ate the pots and we ate the old people and now we are going to eat you!" And the group disappears under the tablecloth.
Then my daughter walks up and throws her hands to her cheeks and yells, "HOLY SMOKES! (adlib) You are SO FAT! What have you been eating?"
And the cats answer and eat her up and eat up a couple more kids and then some woodcutters come and hack the cats to pieces and out come all the children as right as rain.
And as this is all happening I'm picturing myself in the grocery store with my 4yo and I'm imagining us walking down the aisle past someone who is overweight and in the back of my mind I can hear her saying, "HOLY SMOKES! YOU ARE SO FAT! WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN EATING???"
Of course my 6yo's teacher called me today because he said "FUCK" at the lunch table so I guess "FAT" isn't as bad as it could be.
All of this reminds me of a hilarious "What kids say" story I heard once...
A mom and her three daughters were at the grocery store when the youngest daughter says, "MOM, look at that FAT lady."
The second daughter looks and says, "She's not FAT, she's PREGNANT."
The third daughter looks and says, "She's MUCH to OLD to be PREGNANT, She's just FAT."
And of course the mother crawled away.
OK, have a great weekend. I am planning to drink a lot, have a lot of sex and(COMPLETELY UNRELATED - I can't believe I even have to Caveat this...) , oh yeah, have 25, 6yo girls over for a soccer party in the pouring rain. Should be fun.
At least I hope to have great stories for you Monday.
Hugs and wet sloppy kisses,
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