1. Until the Queen assigns a Dukedom (Duchy?) to William (likely following the wedding,) Kate will be officially known as Princess William of Wales.
2. The Royals cost Great Britain $60M/year. I thought that they were self-funding. If not? Then all the merchandising for this wedding - the plates, the ring, the exclusive TV rights are decidedly unregal.
3. Exactly half of all tweets about the Royal Wedding say something like, "I could not care LESS about the Royal Wedding."
4. SlimFast is promoting #RoyalWedding tweets. Am I supposed to think that if I lose 15lbs I'm going to marry a prince?
5. When Diana married Charles, her uncle had to come out and swear that she was a "bonafide virgin." The only comment I've seen about Kate's character was how she was a WIZ for slimming down and getting herself photographed in a sexy bikini when Will broke up with her.
6. I saw a preview of the Royal Wedding that showed a handful of 70+year old women sitting around wearing crowns. They looked like damn fools.
7. Kate is thin. Wouldn't it be more appropriate for Rogaine to be promoting the #RoyalWedding?
8. I got up at 4am to watch Prince Charles marry Diana and just LOOK at how that turned out. I'll do these young royals a favor and stay in bed.
9. Apparently the brits have had much fun mocking Kate for waiting 8 years for this day by calling her "Waitey Katey.' after tomorrow her office has instructed them to call her "Now who's Laughin' Cathrine."
10. There has been much speculation regarding the "Wedding night" since Kate and William have lived together for several years. I'm not sure how they'll be celebrating their nuptuals but I can tell you how they WON'T be celebrating. (Why is the Bride Smiling?)
I wasn't that fussed about the wedding until yesterday, I'm actually looking forward to watching it while i'm at the gym.
Although, I don't see why people in America would be that fussed to watch the wedding as I didn't sit up to see who was president, nor do I pay attention to any royal family for another country.
I'm not into the royal family, but I do quite like Kate and William. I'm more fussed about them looking into changing it so if they have a girl first that would become queen. Apparently we need the commonwealth countries to agree to it, so it's probably doubtful, but it would be nice.
Posted by: thatsthebeauty | April 29, 2011 at 04:22 AM
I have not been following the hype, but there is something about a wedding that offers hope for faith and love and that these two people may be happy. I also admit to being thrilled that ceremony and tradition does indeed survive somewhere.
Posted by: Sarah | April 29, 2011 at 06:46 AM
Observation #7?
Posted by: The Mama | April 29, 2011 at 09:09 AM
Observation #3! That would prolly be me :P
Posted by: Jenny | April 29, 2011 at 09:23 AM
I snarfed coffee on my screen at #7 cause that is so frickin true.
Posted by: TropicallyAnon | April 29, 2011 at 09:23 AM
#10: too true! They'll be sleeping, and catching up on their email.
Posted by: Ann | April 29, 2011 at 10:12 AM
Found your blog on Man Wife and Dog blog's Fab Post Fridays.
Ob3 is definitely me. Number 7...classic!!!!! Couldn't agree more. :) Great list. I'll be back to visit your blog for sure.
Posted by: Jocelyn | April 29, 2011 at 09:09 PM
Love #3 - obviously 'don't care' doesn't mean 'don't tweet' LOL
Posted by: Valentina@baby quilts | April 30, 2011 at 02:13 AM
I agree with #8. I watched the NFL Draft instead.
Posted by: Arlee | May 01, 2011 at 09:48 PM
This is quite possibly the best commentary I've read on the Royal Wedding. You still leave me breathless with laughter!
Posted by: jennielynn | May 02, 2011 at 02:34 PM