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April 26, 2011


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sooo... what WAS so fascinating?? ;)

Paula Kgier

Funniest thing I have read all day. Make that week. Scratch. Month. I needed a laugh. It's just too darned bad I am at my desk and can't really let the Sprite fly out of my nose without creating a distraction!

Andi Sexton

Too darn hilarious! Love these 'real life' stories!!!

Don't Make That Face

The moral of this story is that you should ask the Clerk at the sex store what the stuff in the bottom drawer is or you might miss out on some really fun stuff. Also, don't rule out the backdoor unless you've tried it.
Am I right? Hello?


That is hilarious.

Truly, truly hilarious.


Ha! Okay, here's a story. Leading up to Christmas break in college our dorm played a game of Secret Santa. My boyfriend's secret santa delivered a joint. My boyfriend (being oh so very cool) put the thing behind his ear to save for later. Then we went for a ride somewhere in his car. He got pulled over for speeding. Totally forgot about the joint behind his ear until the cop asked him— So where's you get the marijuana? My boyfriend's response— Santa.

He got arrested.

Alison@Mama Wants This

My god that was freaking hilarious!


HA HA!! I love this story. Actually, I love the way Lori tells a story...and this one is HILARIOUS! :)


Now that's just funny!! I LOVE her!! And after working in the insurance world for a few years a long time ago, let me just say, PLEASE TELL US THE STORIES! We loved them! ; ) We didn't write them down, but we did laugh our ass off at them!! Love it!!


Oh, almost perfect.

LOVED this story, Lori tells a story great but what was the OH MY GOD?

The truck?

I need to see a brochure.

ALSO? Loved that you didn't recognize a dang think in the bottom drawer.


"Harry's House O' Hymens" ...what a great pull from your friend Lori! Bravo!

Not to be confused with the "International House O' Hymens"... or the "IHOH" to you and I. Which is something entirely different (next city over - I believe). :)



For the curious, the "Oh My God" was a reaction to a graphic drawing of nothing particularly out of the ordinary. Not that he was shocked by the image, mind you, only that he didn't expect to open the brochure and find it there.

But when you're opening literature that you've just pulled from a bag that has a tiger-striped vibrator in it, really - what do you expect? I thought it was going to be FAR more interesting. Otherwise I would have kept my eyes on the damn road.


Oh dear me...buying a dildo when you are in the produce aisle by the cucumbers seems...what's the word I'm looking for? Redundant?

Hilarious Lori as always.


I can't believe I haven't heard this story before now. Thanks for the (much needed) laugh!

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She loved her parents and did not want either of them to have a stroke upon the arrival of a delivery from “Judy’s Juicies” or “Harry’s House O’ Hymens.”

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