I bought 15 books on Amazon.
My son lost the one book that he needed for school.
I went to Borders to get a second copy.
They didn't have one because 75% of their shelves were empty because they are going out of business becaue people buy all of their books from Amazon.
The irony of life - because of Borders (and other similar stores)a huge book buyers base was created, because of that Amazon started selling books, and because of that now Borders is going out of business.
Posted by: Valentina@baby crib bedding | April 30, 2011 at 02:15 AM
Food for thought. I hate the thought of book stores going out of business, just as i hate the thought of reading books on kimbles. i love the feel, smell of books, and leafing through them to decide which to buy.
Not all progress is good.....
Posted by: hpretty | April 30, 2011 at 04:19 AM
hmmm. by coincidence, i ordered 3 books from amazon this morning, and one more from a private seller thru amazon. and yes, i still buy books at the bookstore (9 books in the last 2 weeks). no kindle for me, though. i'm a paper-n-ink-book lover.
Posted by: toni in florida | May 03, 2011 at 10:28 AM