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March 22, 2011


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carol anne

LMAO !!! The last hotel we stayed at in Cape May lacked soundproofing also. We could hear the folks next door when we arrived so we had an early heads up. *shakes head*


Sounds like you had a great time though and the weather was perfect last weekend. The perfect weather plus the puking thing really makes me think that you have great timing. You could have been away during all of the puke-fest and missed it! Nothing is more stressful that a call from grandma saying that there is a vomit fountain going on.

Plus... The puking thing really firms up my belief that you cannot have TOO much good.

Garrett Wolthuis

Nice to know the sparks are still happening after 10 years!

Surf Momma

Amen to your P.S.! I told my husband I'd wanted a mental check out last night and that bed and bath time were all his. But we're potty training, and a pre-bath poop in the potty required celebration and that I tear the house apart to find the Lightning McQueen promised to him!

Lynn MacDonald (All Fooked Up)

Damn girl! Whenever i read your posts i start wondering if there's something wrong with both my marriage and my sex life. Of course, i am about a million years older than you, but still!

I'll stay at the Mandarin and avoid your hotel and the ottoman.

Sarah Williamson

thank you for sharing this story! gives me hope.



Spending this week-end in New Orleans WITH kids..pretty sure the ottoman won't get touched:-) your funny.

Amy @ A Little Nosh

Oh how I can relate to the husband unpacking. Mine was also trained by the Army. He's a terror to live with because I'm too messy for my own good.

Mrs. MidAtlantic

OMG I LOVE HOTEL SEX! It's the best.


Take it from someone who's in hotel management...other guests NEVER complain about that sort of noise! Hotel sex is great. Glad you enjoyed yourself :)


Sex, Boston, and swearing. Three of my fave things!


What a way to celebrate your 10 Year anniversary. Good to hear that you are also still keeping the love making alive after 10 year of marriage. www://lovedrive101.com offers alot of different toys that will help bring the romance back into your marriage.

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