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March 23, 2011


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Lady Estrogen

That's a great, ahem, fictional story ;)
Do you seriously want saucy stories? Because I'm in abundance.


BWAAAHAHAHAHA! Awesome story! Wish I had one to share but I was so emotionally immature for such a long time. Oh wait...I do have one that I can think of. Where would I send it to?

Mrs. MidAtlantic

I totally dated the worst people in high school. Including one dumb-as-toast fisherman that my parents HATED.


Hahahahaah! Amazing.


Love it!!! And high school boys can be such JERKS!


If you are looking for a guest blogger, just let me know I would be more than happy to oblige. Just email me at [email protected]


At least that's two things steady about boys and men, they're always looking to win a bet and certainly always looking for a blow job!


I laughed so hard when I read the end, serves the LOSER right!


A dollar for a blowjob? Was it the 1920s?

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