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March 30, 2011


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Bwahahaha You never disappoint, Kit! LOL


You rock ... Totally made my morning better!


Omg....glad I got the retweet today!

Don't Make That Face

I got angry at your husband at first, and then realized I was really angry at my husband. He's king of the "not yet" when it comes to BJ's.
You're hilarious.

Walkingborder (Karen)

I would have strangled him with his own hard on.


OMG, I need to take a page from your blog! This was so funny and open! I love it.


That was just too damn funny!

Brittney - Our Greener Acres

I agree with you. But you're WAY nicer than I am!! =D

Mommy's Paradise

I cannot stop laughing. You know, all the husbands, boyfriends, well all the men I guess are so much alike. This could have been my Hubs and I but if I would tell him this, of course he would deny.


Please tell me you coughed on him! Personally? I would have offered to lend an icy cold hand. That? Or toss up that yummy pizza.

I still often think the victorians had the right idea. Seperate rooms would ROCK! Gotta feign sleep .... Darth Vader has just turned off the shower!!!

Heather at FarmgirlGourmet

Oh Kit, I think I almost pee'd myself! You crack me up!! I think our husbands are brothers from other mothers.


I'm all for guys holding out and "not yetting" during sex but during blowjobs and handjobs? Fuck it, get the job done. There's no prize for lasting longer.


Funny post but I fail to see what the problem is. :D

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