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February 28, 2011


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Mrs. Jen B

Thank you for taking some time out of your excitement (much deserved, by the way) to encourage others like me. I'm in a looooow place today with blogging and your words were, like, a lightning bolt to my heart. Seriously.

Congratulations again - I was so happy to see your name last night. :-)

D H-Arza

Congrats!!!! It is well deserved...


Congrats Kit! So happy for you.

James Gilbreath


I've been looking for a full time job for almost two years now, and the words you have written here are the most inspiring I have seen in a long time. Thank you.


congrats!! well deserved!!

Mrs. MidAtlantic


Shawna (momofbug)

Congrats!!!! I'm very proud of you, you deserve it!


Congratulations to you - I REALLY enjoy your blog!
AND, Thank you for the encouragement...I just started my blog this month and am having a great time - but you are right, I did think 'maybe I am too late', so thank you for the encouragement!


I think this is exactly what a lot of people really need to hear - thank you so much!

And congrats again. You so deserve the recognition; even if you can't get it in real life. ;)



I've certainly enjoyed coming over here and being unbelievably jealous of not being able to do the homework and of course all your wonderful stories!

Can't wait to see what the rest of 2011 brings forth.


Congratulations! Your blog is fantastic :)

P. Bear

I love you for all you do.
And all you do is who you are.

P. Bear


Way to go Kit!! Congratulations!! I am so happy for you!



You're inspiring. :)


I am sooo happy you won!!!!

Thank you for this inspiring post. I needed this today.



Courtney K.

Congratulations! I just found you via a link from The Pioneer Woman on who won the bloggies...and let me say, this post just made my day. I've been having some issues and some struggles with whether I Want to keep blogging because most days it DOES feel like I'm too late. You just changed my mind. Thanks :)


Congratulations! You're dedication is admirable to say the least and to be able to maintain the level of entertainment you provide is pretty amazing. I've enjoyed reading your blog - thanks for the inspiration - we feel like we're finally hitting a stride with ours. Congrats on the award but also on what sounds to be like a pretty terrific year personally!


This news?
This news is good!

Naked Girl in a Dress

What a wonderful post. Thanks for the inspiration! I just wrote about my 10 months of blogging. I try to focus on the progress I make each month, but sometimes I do get frustrated and wonder what I am doing.

Anyway, thanks for this!


Congrats on winning! I am on year 2 of changing jobs. I actually started my career. You are right, it has been tough. But even at the toughest I am happier, our house is happier, I am learning, I am growing, and I am learning to be proud of myself. I write a blog that isn't half as good as yours, but I am not seeking to entertain. You bring a smile to people, so, please, if it suits your life, keep blogging dangerously! And the next year will be even better for you at work, you just wait!


1st, congrats! Glad to say I was one of your voters :-)

2nd, thx for your encouragement to us all. Weird fact abt me: for some reason I have never been a fan of odd-numbered years (maybe due to having been born in an even one) - but I think I'm going to throw that phobia out this year and stop saying "I can't" abt my particular challenge... Thanks!

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