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December 28, 2010


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Love having the Dads here, and that is a genius use of the vacuum!

(Filing away for the older, peskier years when he can interrupt on his own...)


I think you absolutely should take advantage of the vacuum cleaner's power of peace. If it gives you 5 to 10 minutes of alone time with your wife to let out some of your frustration then it MUST be worth it.

Otherwise, I feel as though your house would be worthy for someone with OCD.


Okay...this made my morning!!!


I'm glad everyone enjoyed this. I certainly enjoyed writing it. :-)

Matt Shields

My wife never wants to let me do the dishes, even though she hates doing the dishes. I'm going to forward this to her so she knows what she needs to do if she doesn't want me doing housework... ;)

Daddy by Default

This is hilarous. My daughter is also afraid of the vaccum, but the cleaning is done by the maids. Maybe we can save some money and get some more "us time" this way. But then we'd also have to clean the place ourselves. I'm not sure that's worth the trade off!

diana hampo

last night all the kids (4 of them) were gone! We were supposed to have a romantic night. But i slid into a ditch and spent the evening with five guys, two trucks and a tow rope. I feel your pain.

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