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December 22, 2010


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It's helpful to know that there are a couple duplicates, and that a few of them have gotten the titles wrong (#2, for example) or have misunderstood the title (#12 and #23, although to be fair, the idiom's otherwise disappeared from the language).

That said, I can't get #4 (unless they have a different definition for "Righteous" than I do).


@Etherjammer - #4 is "O Holy Night"

Walkingborder (Karen)

You make my head hurt. When I'm not laughing with you.


This hurt my brain....


"Parent Was Observed Osculating a Red-Coated Unshaven Teamster"

That got me laughing out loud.

kait b. roe

I am hoping that after Christmas you will enlighten us to the actual names, as there are a few by which I am baffled!

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