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November 04, 2010


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Awww you get the Sunday morning honeys xx


When I read your hot sex stories, I picture me and my husband, and then it makes me want to have sex with him. But that's usually when I'm at work and he's not there, and by the time I get home? The fantasy was good enough ;)


I had to nab mine at 4:30 in the morning the other day. Seriously. Where was THAT in the parenting books?


It's something with the sound of water, and they know you are already naked! Seems I can never take a shower on the weekends without having my hubby peeking in through the door on me! Then, the funny part is he always asks what I am doing?? WTF? My response is usually something like "driving a race car, and I was winning till you opened the door!" "Seriously?!?" LOL!

WTH am I Doing

Nice! I should implement the weekend swapping as well. I could use a sleep-in day (without having to be ill to get it...). We usually wait until "quiet time" (they don't really nap anymore, tho they really should...cuz they get cranky...). Part of they key to a successful sex life after becoming a parent? Is being able to get everything knocked out in 10 minutes or less. LoL


Your post is awesome. I love how sexy it is, all while managing to be sneaky and get straight to the point. Your writing is witty and funny, it's great. I've bookmarked your blog, and I'll definitely be keeping up with your writing. I'm even planning to attend your #wineparty tomorrow night on twitter-- which is pretty impressive, considering I only found your blog about ten minutes ago.

Lindsay Ann

Oh dear, I hate to admit it, but I want to know why the pillow was on the floor.

Sounds like fun, regardless. =]


that's one of the few things I miss about being in a relationship: sunday morning sex.


I am all in favor of the Sunday morning funnies. You know, newspaper comic strips. That's what you were doing on the floor, right?

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