My husband and I take turns sleeping in on the weekends. He gets Saturday morning and I get Sunday morning.
On Saturdays when it's my turn to get up I make breakfast for the kids and then grab the supermarket flier and make my grocery list and meal plan for the week. I assemble the coupons and manage to finish cleaning the kitchen around the time that my husband wakes up.
I grab one of the kids and head to the supermarket to get the shopping out of the way and spend some one on one time with one of the kids. With 4 children you have to get your quality time in when you can.
I also try to batch cook something on Saturday afternoons that we can have for dinner and freeze for later. Having a fully stocked freezer gives us the ability to have home cooked meals on nights when we're completely crazy.
Anyway, all of this busy-ness on Saturdays means I rarely have time to shower.
So the first thing I do when I wake up on Sunday morning is jump into the shower. Something about the sound of the water running seems to get my husband all worked up. When I get out of the shower I usually find him in the bedroom innocently whistling a tune while the children are downstairs duct taped to the wall watching a movie.
Sometimes I mention my looming todo list but I've learned that resistance is futile. This Sunday I came out of the shower to find him standing there. We had rented How to Train Your Dragon the night before and the kids had been begging for a second showing all morning. He'd finally put it on and they were down for the next 83 minutes. (That's about 79 minutes longer than we typically need.)
He had already put a pillow on the floor. Who was I to argue?
It was FANTASTIC. It's amazing what you can manage to do when the kids are occupied and you aren't COMPLETELY EXHAUSTED.
I'd like to say that when it was over we spooned lovingly for the next 79 minutes but we didn't because no sooner was it over, than we heard footsteps on the stairs.
My 5 year old burst in just in time to see, nothing. She looked around the room at us, newly dressed, shrugged and went back downstairs.
"You haven't given me the Sunday morning funnies in a while." I laughed.
He laughed and kissed me.
Awww you get the Sunday morning honeys xx
Posted by: Paxochka | November 04, 2010 at 08:03 AM
When I read your hot sex stories, I picture me and my husband, and then it makes me want to have sex with him. But that's usually when I'm at work and he's not there, and by the time I get home? The fantasy was good enough ;)
Posted by: Krista | November 04, 2010 at 08:42 AM
I had to nab mine at 4:30 in the morning the other day. Seriously. Where was THAT in the parenting books?
Posted by: Kim | November 04, 2010 at 10:30 AM
It's something with the sound of water, and they know you are already naked! Seems I can never take a shower on the weekends without having my hubby peeking in through the door on me! Then, the funny part is he always asks what I am doing?? WTF? My response is usually something like "driving a race car, and I was winning till you opened the door!" "Seriously?!?" LOL!
Posted by: Wicked | November 04, 2010 at 01:32 PM
Nice! I should implement the weekend swapping as well. I could use a sleep-in day (without having to be ill to get it...). We usually wait until "quiet time" (they don't really nap anymore, tho they really should...cuz they get cranky...). Part of they key to a successful sex life after becoming a parent? Is being able to get everything knocked out in 10 minutes or less. LoL
Posted by: WTH am I Doing | November 04, 2010 at 02:08 PM
Your post is awesome. I love how sexy it is, all while managing to be sneaky and get straight to the point. Your writing is witty and funny, it's great. I've bookmarked your blog, and I'll definitely be keeping up with your writing. I'm even planning to attend your #wineparty tomorrow night on twitter-- which is pretty impressive, considering I only found your blog about ten minutes ago.
Posted by: christina | November 04, 2010 at 03:26 PM
Oh dear, I hate to admit it, but I want to know why the pillow was on the floor.
Sounds like fun, regardless. =]
Posted by: Lindsay Ann | November 04, 2010 at 05:28 PM
that's one of the few things I miss about being in a relationship: sunday morning sex.
Posted by: andygirl | November 04, 2010 at 10:19 PM
I am all in favor of the Sunday morning funnies. You know, newspaper comic strips. That's what you were doing on the floor, right?
Posted by: alonewithcats | November 05, 2010 at 11:00 PM