This is a two part post. The first part is to announce that I am throwing in the towel on NaBloPoMo. (National Blog Posting Month - where you agree to post every day for the entire month of November.)
The truth is that I ENJOY blogging very much but I also enjoy feeling like I don't HAVE to blog and taking the weekends off lets me feel that way. Not blogging is my reward for blogging and I like it that way.
Still, I think that NaBloPoMo is incredibly valuable. And when I was a haphazard blogger, NaBloPoMo always jump started my blog by getting me in the habit of writing - and into the habit of thinking of things to write about.
And I'll be honest, now that I'm a daily blogger I have no end to the topics I want to blog about - I have a list of 100 things to blog about. And every day I think of 5 more things. The trick is writing them down before I forget about them!
And sex, before I started this blog my husband and I did not have any where as much sex. But now we talk about sex more, we read about sex more, we think about sex more and we HAVE SEX A LOT more.
Sometimes we think about habits as bad things that we need to break - like smoking, or M&Ms before bed or biting our fingernails. But the truth is that human beings are creatures of habit and if we can make habits out of positive actions our natural tendency to repeat those patterns will reinforce the behavior.
So your homework this week is to think of something in your relationship (or if you aren't in a relationship - think of something in your life) that you would like to reinforce. Whether it's more sex or more snuggling or more talking or more communication. Whether it's more exercise or healthier eating or writing or ANYTHING.
Think about how you can make a habit out of doing that thing. Then do it. Over and over.
If you want more snuggling with your partner, then make sure you sit next to them on the couch instead of over on your own couch. If you want more communication then think of a list of topics you can cover every day - How was your day? Did anything good happen? Anything bad? etc. Start the habit of communication or snuggling or WHATEVER and it will be easier to keep it up.
Let me know in the comments what habit you plan to make. Or, if you MUST, what habit you plan to break.
I'll start. Before we were married my husband and I would go to bed early - for the obvious reason - and then we would have what we called a "slumber party" where we would stay up late and talk. Then we got married and had children and sleep became precious so instead of slumber partying we would have a race to see who could fall asleep the fastest.
Now, we SAY that we are going to go to bed earlier but we never move from our computers until 10:57. I am going to try to start going to bed at 9:57pm so that we can slumber party for a bit and STILL get some sleep.
Then, once that happens I am going to TRY to start getting UP earlier so that I can go to the gym.
Please send your STRONGEST encouragement.
Encouragement sent! My husband and I are on the same plane. We every now and then will have a pretend weekend away... usually when lucky enough to have a grandparent visit.... runaway for dinner, grab some* (many) drinks and realize we can date... oh and then we had sex in the back of the SUV in his works private parking garage!
Posted by: squishterbear | November 11, 2010 at 10:36 PM
I will try to grab it, hold it, and stroke it more often. He focuses on me all of the time, I suppose he deserves it :)
Posted by: Tracy | November 14, 2010 at 05:01 PM