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November 07, 2010


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dang girl you are lucky! the kids were gone ALL DAY so hip hip horray! i wore a push up bra (for my non-large breasts, so sad) and a tight hip holder, butt lifter whateva, sexy light blue panties. and when i bent down to open the dishwasher, i knew he was staring at my butt, the words on my panties saying "Wanna Enter?" it must be no surprise that we had a ton of oh adult fun :D that day and it's all b/c of your idea! you rock my life Kit! p.s. how in the world do you not have a bazillon kids- constant birthcontrol? love ya~ ellie


can someone PULEASE inform me how to have sex with a vibrator? PULEASE?! i'm totally missing out! not like my hubby's not great or anything :P

Mrs. MidAtlantic

F- for me. UGH. I wore tights - Hubby's favorite! - and even went out of my way to wear white tights, based on a request he had made a year or so ago. I wore this sexy outfit with the tights to work, because I know that turns him on. And when we got home? Nothing. He "was too tired." FOR TIGHTS! I was beyond frustrated.

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