I got a headache last night around 6pm. I took Excedrine immediately but it didn't help which made me think - "uh oh, Sinuses." The weather here has been cool and the heat is very dry. Also, I flew to TX last weekend and the plane was VERY dry.
This morning I was even more miserable but had to face the day so I searched for our neti pot. If you don't know what a neti pot is I have to recommend it. I'm not sure it works but it's so incredibly messed up that you just NEED one so when people talk about it you can nod your head knowingly and say, "Oh yeah, I LOVE mine."
@wishfullayla described it to me this way, "Neti pot. It's like water boarding yourself, but you'll like it. After the fact."
That's a pretty fair description.
I couldn't find the neti pot anywhere but I was busy so I gave up. Tonight (Friday night) I tweeted, "Ok, homeopaths, Crazy sinus pain, no fever but stab my self in the eye to relieve the pressure sinus pain. Suggestions?"
And the first 8 came back, "I LOVE my neti pot." (told you.)
So I turned to my husband and said, "I'm going downstairs to find the neti pot or I'm going to have to kill myself to stop the pain."
And he said, "Bring me a beer?"
So I asked my homeys on Twitter whether or not I should spit in it and, of course, it was unanimous. (I can be a bitch when I'm sick. And y'know, when I'm not.)
I searched the kitchen but couldn't find it. That's usually where we keep it - near the sink and microwave. I looked everywhere. And then I found it someplace my husband couldn't POSSIBLY have put it (y'know, AWAY) AND I realized that the only thing worse than being sick is having a sick husband so I decided NOT to spit in it.
I've matured in my old age.
Lucky for him.
I'll admit a Neti Pot does provide relief, especially when used regularly, but I prefer a humidifier because I'm lazy. I at least get amusement from it because my cat is fascinated with it and jumps up on the stand it rests on and bats at it. The less than amusing part is when I wake up and it's sitting in a puddle on the floor. The humidifier, not the cat.
Posted by: Shannon | November 01, 2010 at 11:00 AM
YUP....Lucky for him...
Posted by: D H-Arza | November 01, 2010 at 11:03 AM
Lucky for YOU that you remembered what a pain men are when sick. A mere cold throws them into their deathbed. And yet . . . we birth children and then get up and walk around. And have sex again. Insane, no?
Posted by: Kim | November 01, 2010 at 01:15 PM
I'm afraid that I must echo the sentiments of the Twitter people--Yaaay for neti pots! Except I use this NeilMed thingy that works like a squirt bottle, all the better for powering out the sinus-y business. They deliver a lot more water pressure than the regular pot.
Swapping medical tips--now I feel like an old lady. :D
Posted by: Kocinera | November 01, 2010 at 02:08 PM
I didn't get a neti pot until I got pregnant and drugs were off the list. Love mine (not while using it, of course) and will probably keep using even when drugs are ok again.
Posted by: TexasRed | November 01, 2010 at 02:34 PM
I've heard SUCH good things about Neti pots, but never bought one (cheapskate). I have a deviated septum so have tons of sinus problems. I always just run a hot tap in the sink and put a towel over my head and inhale all the lovely steam. works wonders. and my skin looks awesome after too!
Posted by: andygirl | November 01, 2010 at 03:43 PM
You should have spat in the beer.... for old times' sake.
Posted by: Paxochka | November 02, 2010 at 08:08 AM
I would have rubbed a butt cheek on the beer. For spite AND to avoid the big ball of sick man baby if you did spit in it. Then chuckle to myself that he had my butt in his mouth. You know, because I'm mature.
Posted by: Jen | November 02, 2010 at 09:34 PM
I'm like: what the hell is a neti pot? I want one!
Posted by: Lory Manrique-Hyland | November 05, 2010 at 04:50 PM
Neti pot also work on headache problem.sometime ago,My mother had headache problem but when she tried to neti pot.she got fast relief from it.
Posted by: NetiPot | January 26, 2011 at 11:19 PM
You should have spat in the beer.... for old times' sake.
Posted by: replica chanel handbags | April 16, 2012 at 04:36 AM